• Whether you are anticipating the results of your breeding efforts, or nervously hoping your dog is not about to have a litter of mutts, be prepared by testing for pregnancy. It can be difficult to know for sure if your dog is going to have puppies, and repeat veterinarian visits can become expensive. Do the research for your specific breed, as indicators may vary depending on size and variety. The average canine pregnancy lasts only about 60 to 65 days, so early detection is crucial for proper preparation.

    At the Vet

    Ultrasound is one of the earliest methods of detection veterinarians use, sensing fetal heartbeats at around 25 days of pregnancy. This method costs more than home tests, but is a reliable and noninvasive means of certifying pregnancy. Blood tests are another early indicator that your vet provides. This test costs about 65 dollars and is ready in 10 minutes. Blood tests are the best way to tell the difference between pseudopregancy, or false pregnancy, and true gestation. X-rays can only view fetal skeletons 45 days or longer into the pregnancy. This method is effective for determining how many babies your dog is carrying. A pharmaceutical company based in San Diego recently developed a urinary testing device that can accurately detect pregnancy between 21 and 35 days. This method also requires a veterinary visit or a special order over the Internet.

    At Home

    Recall if your dog has recently gone into heat. Vulvar swelling and bleeding, and the attraction of male dogs several weeks prior to the suspected pregnancy are good indications that your bitch may be pregnant. Look and feel for physical signs. Gently feel for distinct round masses around the abdomen. An experienced veterinarian can palpate for babies as early as 20 to 30 days. According to the Chastain Veterinary Medical Group, "Pregnancy detection by palpation is an art; difficult to do." Some dogs may show mammary engorgement in the days leading up to delivery. While swelling is inconsistent among breeds, enlarged nipples are good indicators of an approaching birth. Abrupt changes in your dog's activity, behavior, and food consumption may indicate pregnancy. Each dog responds differently to pregnancy, but increased appetite and demand for affection might be signs that your dog is having puppies.


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    Chastain Veterinary Medical Group


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