• Asthma is a common condition caused by inflammation of the bronchi as a reaction to some external stimuli. It is a manageable disease, but if treatment is neglected during an attack it can lead to respiratory failure and death.

    External Stimuli

    During an asthma attack, the body has an immune response to an allergen that has entered the airway.

    Bronchi Swelling

    The bronchi will begin to swell, reducing the radius of the airway and making breathing difficult.

    Increased Pulse and Respiratory Rate

    The pulse rate will go above 100 beats per minute, and the respiratory rate will be increased. The victim will be taking quick, short breaths.

    Sealed Airway

    If untreated, the airway will eventually swell shut, cutting off air flow to the lungs. The pulse rate will drop to less than 60, and the respiratory system will go into arrest.


    After a short period of respiratory arrest, the victim will lose consciousness and, if untreated, the heart will stop and the victim will die of asphyxiation.

    Warnings: Status Asthmaticus

    Occasionally an asthma patient may enter "Status Asthmaticus." This a condition where an asthma attack doesn't respond to normal medication and requires immediate medical attention.


    Status Asthmaticus

    Acute severe asthma - Emergency management | Medical Presentations

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