• Joint pain and stiffness can inhibit your daily activities. Knowing the cause of your discomfort is the first step toward reducing your symptoms.


    Osteoarthritis is the breakdown of cartilage---which serves as a protecting shock absorber---in your joints, which causes bones to rub together, resulting in pain and stiffness.


    Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disorder that causes pain and stiffness, particularly in the morning. Its cause is unknown and there are no tests to diagnose this disorder with complete certainty.


    Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa---a small, fluid-filled sac between tendons and bones that helps cushion them against friction. An inflamed bursa can cause pain, tenderness, redness, swelling and limitation of movement. The causes of bursitis range from chronic overuse to airborne allergies.


    Gout is arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the blood, tissues and urine, which results in a red, swollen, hot and overly sensitive joint. Ongoing recurrence of gout can lead to joint damage.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder, caused when the body's immune system mistakes the synovial membrane as foreign. This overactive immune response can leave scar tissue, ultimately leading to stiffness, swelling and debilitating pain.


    Medline Plus: Arthritis

    "Prescription for Nutritional Healing;" Phyllis A. Balch, CNC; 2000

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