• One with a negative reciprocal slope passing through the point common to both lines.
  • i dont remember
  • There are an infinitely many lines that are perpendicular to any given line. The defining characteristic of any line that is perpendicular to a given line is that the slope of the resulting line must be the negative reciprocal of the given line. (Note: There are two exceptions to this rule, any horizontal line of the form Y = b and any vertical line of the form X = a. These lines are said to have zero slope and undefined slope, respectively. But! the good news is that these lines are perpendicular to each other.) Because you have written your given line in the slope-intercept form, Y = mX + b , you have made is easy to find the slope of the given line. The slope is the value of "m". In your case, the slope, m = -1/2 Therefore, any line that has a slope of m = 2 will be perpendicular to the given line. Here is the general equation of any line perpendicular to your given line: Y = 2X + b To find the value of b, you need to know a point through which the line must pass.

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