• I know that people with the rare genetic condition of what is known as "wolf people", which causes hair to grow all over their bodies, including the face, actually LIKE their hair, even on the women. They appear to be in hairy makeup for a movie, but it's real hair and the women have it all over too. I know it doesn't bother many of them because I saw them on tv talking about it.
  • Where is the hair? And how much is there?
  • no i'm not that hairy myself =)
  • Natural all the way, so much more sexier
  • Yes. Although its difficult to get the men who like it to admit it publically for fear of being the brunt of their buddies jokes. I've been able to admit it around my friends, who certainly do chuckle at me but I am confident enough to chuckle back. I know for a fact it is not commonplace, and I can't change it, but I can be a voice to prove that there are some guys who like women with a bit more hair than usual. Personally I like hairy forearms the best. There's plenty of sites on the net with hairy gals down there, hairy underarms and hairy legs too. If there weren't dudes buying into it, they couldn't exist.
  • I once dated a girl who didn't shave at all, and for some reason I found it totally hot. She pretty much set the standard for my idea of an attractive woman.
  • Being a woman myself, I dont like being hairy. It makes me feel uncomfortable, probably because the medias encourage an image bodyhairless. But my boyfriend doesnt mind at all if I dont shave or w.e. He still finds me attractive. I think thats maybe a proof of real love.
  • I quite like hairy armpits. :)
  • Just found this question on a search and thought I would drop my 2 cents in the pot!!! "Hair, the SuperMarket for the Senses" Sight... There is nothing more lovely than the sight of a Naturally Hairy Woman, standing nude, welcoming the sunrise or saying "Good-by" to the setting sun. Each Hair has the ability to bend light as it wishes. Her body will appear to change from tan, to red, to gold and even disappearing completely into the darkness of night, as the Hairs consume all the light. Touch... There is nothing quite like the smooth silky feel of a Naturally Hairy Woman. As your fingers, cheek, lips or chest, gently glide over the fine hairs of her body, touching each one, feeling the texture of each one. Your mind explodes with pictures of warm sunsets, clean newborn babies, walks on the beach and open meadows surrounded by tall pines, in the warm afternoon sun. Taste... Each Hair has the ability to absorb moisture. "Like a sponge, Hair pulls in moisture and holds on to it until, the next wave of moisture surrounds it. Then it expels what it is holding and absorbs the new moisture". So, to your pleasant surprise, each time your tongue makes contact with a hair, "the taste is different". Sometimes it will taste Sweet, like the nectar of a Honeysuckle. At times it might be bitter like a lemon or even salty like the ocean. But each encounter is unique and delightful. Smell... The sweet fragrance, which her body creates, lingers on each and every Hair. "Each Hair has the ability to release the fragrance from the moisture it has absorbed as it dries out". Therefore as you explore a Naturally Hairy Body, each individual Hair, treats you to the combination of Fragrances, you love the most, "Her".... How nice of it.... Hearing... As you lay your head on a mound of Hair and your Naturally Hairy Woman expels her last sigh of contented release, the Hairs vibrate and play a symphony of sound into your ear, Warming your heart, comforting your soul and conforming your knowledge that "A Naturally Hairy Woman is a Complete Woman" Food for thought, Master William
  • i don't mind hair that much... i figure if it is here then why keep getting rid of it if it keeps coming back to say i am still here despite your want for me not to be!
  • Absolutely not.
  • Lots of guys do. I ain't one of them. Just a little around the mound.
  • Well...What?...I mean hairy...Where?
  • In the traditional places.
  • what kind of hairy are we talking about?
  • I like women as a whole.No matter what they are.
  • Nope. I demand that my woman shave like an olympic swimmer or she gets it! What I say goes!! hehehehehe NOT! :D
  • I think some people do. i dont.
  • i love hairy arms on a woman
  • about as much as i do a good case of the crabs...
  • My answer to this question is Yes, I find it attractive if a woman chooses not to shave. I think that we put way too much effort into making it a must for women to shave. It has become a thing that all women must do to be accepted. But if you think aboout it, its just a way to control people, and for the fashion industry to make money. Men mostly don't shave excpt for the face. Here were not talking about that though. Naturally woman have hair, and it really is there to attract the oppsite sex, why then remove it?
  • the germans lol
  • Yes, hairy women can be attractive from several points of view. 1. Totally natural means you're seeing what's really there and that can be very attractive both in terms of psychology and aesthetics. 2. Naturally-hairy women with more than an average amount of hair usually have high testosterone levels. That means that there's a better than average chance that they'll orgasm readily and in some instances be capable of ejaculation. That being so, they're usually much keener than most women on the physical side of a relationship. Many of them experience sexual pleasure in a way very comparable to the way that males do.
  • A gift from the heavens they are the most sexy.
  • It's politically-incorrect for a woman in the US to allow it to be seen that she's hairy. The underlying argument is that women should appear to be completely feminine and the most feminine women don't have sufficient male hormones to make them significantly hairy, other than on the pubis and underarms. However women with high levels of male hormones are actually much keener on the physical side of a relationship and so the girl who can naturally grow a moustache and perhaps even beard is likely to be a very good catch for a guy who wants a good physical relationship. She may well have too much body and facial hair to be able realistically to conceal the growth and she may not rate highly with others as a "trophy wife" but she can be ideal for a good physical relationship. I know -- I'm married to a woman who by the time she was 15 was shaving her moustache every day.
  • You mean like this?
  • I’m not sure where or when it became chic for a woman to shave themselves to the point of looking like a 10 year old. I think it started in the late 80s early 90s and who ever started it should be shot! I've heard and read that women should shave their pubic hair as part of good personal hygiene. Well, for those of you ladies that have bought into this BS, you need to know about a brand new product and process on the market that helps eliminate those concerns…….it’s called soap, water and bathing. I feel having a nice “bush” adds a lot to the beauty of a woman’s body. This doesn’t mean I like a woman to look like a “Silver Back” gorilla but a nice thick “V” is very sexy. Real quality men (not boys) enjoy a nice bush but if you prefer guys (boys)that are "porn lizards" go ahead and shave.
  • I'm a woman and I like both women and men. I shave my leg and armpits. mostly wear dresses and skirts, and generally prefer to present a quite classically female appearance. When I am attracted to another woman, is it usually to someone like me who dresses and looks quite female- long hair on their head, no visible hair anywhere else normally seen in public. I general I think women look better when they shave their legs. However, if I see a woman with a lot of thick hair on their legs or any hair around her breasts or elsewhere on the trunk, I find it extremely erotic. Part of me doesn't like it, and another part of me just goes wild. I once stayed at a hotel for several days one summer where I repeatedly saw a woman with incredibly hairy legs, harrier than most guys. She wore short skirts and shorts and was very female and stylish in all other ways. I totally had the hots for her, while simultaneously thinking that her legs looked pretty out of place. Perhaps it was the unusualness. I find any hint of facial hair on women unpleasant. I also find very hairy men quite erotic, although it certainly is no prerequisite.
  • I am a mammal: Hair grows on me. I prefer not to shave it off. I am very glad that my wife prefers to be undepilated as well. I prefer women to be natural. So lots of hair or little hair makes no difference to me, but any amount of hair is preferable to obsessive depilation. Hair on her arms and legs suggests that the woman has the good sense to be contented with her natural human body, and is confident enough to eschew depilation. Other things being equal, I like self-confident women.
  • If you slow down and give it some thought having love for hairy natural women is very normal for a man. Just like her skin, eyes, etc why wouldn't hair on common places of her body play the same role. It does for me I have couple of friends that would disagree I've never have gotten into it with them because its all about what the person prefers anyway. And one of these guys I know, who though that hair anywhere on a woman is disguising and not right turned out to be gay, guess he doesn't mind it on the guys probably giving tips to women what guys want when he doesn't have a clue himself? Number one for me hair, feminin hair is just so sexy thighs and arms especially side burns too. Some men wouldn't admit it, from what I found out the fear of the I must be gay thing keeps this from being a normal conversation at a bar. But seems to me that a man who prefers no hair on women is probably more likely have this so called gay striek cause that just means less of that natural woman to smell, its taken away from her. I love the way a hairy woman smells around her elbows, and up and down her forearms. In the legs especially thighs I love the friction that is made with her soft hairy body. Hairless bodies to me feel sticky and strange, mostly those that became artificial. So to sum it up yes there will be I'm sure men who will always love just a natural woman but there are only a few mainly because women are not to confident when it comes to body hair not enough men have made them feel comfortable with it, either strange mannequin lovers or just from what some dude has said to make his buddies laugh. My issue and why some women aren't putting this on their priority list is health. Out of shape over weight has always been a problem for men and women so instead of spending two hours every morning caking on makeup and shaving your arms and legs why not use that time to naturally become beautiful through exercise! Natural beauty will always win, just like mother nature will always win, and we are all beautiful in are natural ways you just can't please everyone. Sometimes I think all this high maintenance crap is just so a woman can be a generic eye candy whore for society, instead of blowing individuals minds. ladies stay natural please body hair is sexy just keep saying that over and over again or find a guy who likes natural women, I convinced my natural, latina wife she hasn't shaved her arms legs for years and really enjoys it.
  • I had a BF who begged me not to shave or wear deoderant. I am a very hairy women, legs, btw my legs, arms, under arms and even some on my navel. I think it took about 6 months for my hair to be totally filled out. He loved it and I was ok with it too. It was a little tough because in the summer I like to wear string bikinis. He took me to a remote beach in puerto rico where I could be naked and do the natural perfume for him.
  • I do. Sooooo much.
  • Yes, hairy women have a far higher sex drive because of their high testosterone levels. They're much more likely to be keen on the physical side of a relationship and to reach orgasm and even ejaculate.
  • I absolutly adore hairy women. Like most people who do,I just love the natural beauty of it. If you cannot have hairy armpits (my personal favorite) then you absolutely must have a nice fluffy kitty

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