• The Atkins diet. All of the new studies are showing that it works better and is safer than all the other diets. Bonus; you never have to go hungry or count calories.
  • ok then buy some pure caffeine powder off ebay and snort it all through the day your metabolism will raceing like your running a marathon
  • I'll tell you this.. the cabbage soup diet works. I do not care who you are, it works. However, with other health issues.. you must find out if it is ok for you, specifically. Oprah lost a lot of weight on it. My dad got chunky and lost it on it.. but it is a very HARD diet to stick with because you eat this stuff day in and out. I have never heard of anyone not losing weight off of this diet but I hear all the time of people giving up.. even having lost 20lbs. The roughage of this diet is healthy for you.. unless, like I said you have other issues in which you must watch what you eat and stuff.
  • To lose weight, you need to lose more calories than you consume. That's what it all boils down to no matter what plan/diet you're on. Calories build up and if you don't use them they pack on the pounds. So use up more than you take in. Healthy foods are better than starches and processed sugars. Smaller meals/servings throughout the day are better than 3 large meals. Having a smaller plate actually makes a difference too. People tend to fill up space on their plates so if it's smaller then obviously the intake of food is less. Then every time you go to refill you're reminded of why you have that small plate, so you don't take as much. And drink plenty of water with each meal. Say a glass of water before you eat so it fills you up better :) Don't want to consume too much fluids, though, as that could be deadly :-/ So just a glass with each meal or if you're going to have a serving of fruit instead then a glass with that. Nothing like a gallon of water a day. Yes you probably will "go" more but that's a good thing. Just means your body is getting rid of bad stuff and helping to speed up the weight loss :) Exercise at least 30 minutes a day (that's minimum) to get your body in better shape. If you can't do that, do as much as you can and increase it everyday, even if just for a minute. Every bit of trying helps. You just have to start somewhere to get anywhere. So . . . start :)
  • eat smaller meals more frequently balanced meals drink water i now walk an average of 6 miles a day according to pedomtre to n from uni or gym maybe both this will boost your metabolism which willl help you loose weight possible at a slower rate but it will be more perminate
  • Jog 3 miles every day.
  • Eat less. Exercise more. +4
  • I have a simple one. 1. Heavy BF 2. light lunch 3. no dinner (only fruits or veggies) 1 mile jog everyday.....

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