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  • You should make sure that you are both clean if you're gonna be doing that. Tell him you want to go to to a sexual health clinic so you can both get checked. You don't want to risk an STD. In terms of contraception you should get on the pill if you're no longer using condoms. =)
  • If your ready for children and want to settle down for the rest of your life(at least the next 20 years or so)do what you want to do,if not,tell him he wears it or he don't get it,,you are in control of your own destiny,not him.
  • He thinks.... What do you think? I am guessing that you are not in agreement if you are asking for help. Unprotected sex can have many serious and lasting consequences. You are at risk of contracting an STD. If he is so relaxed when it comes to using protection with you, chances are he has been with past sexual partners. Has he been tested and have you seen the results? And then there is pregnancy. It is rarely a good idea to start a family a month into a relationship. Perhaps the relationship is meant to be, but there are good odds it is not - especially if your bf is already showing you such disrespect when it comes to your right and wishes for protection during sex. It is selfish to bring a baby into the world if you are not comitted and able to provide all that is needed for the child's well-being. It is your right and responsibility to protect yourself during sex. If your bf does not support and respect this, I would strongly suggest putting a stop to the sexual activity and think about holding out for a bf who cares about your feelings, choices, and welfare.
  • It is risky as well as good feeling. Believe it or not me too.
  • STOP HAVING SEX WITH HIM!!!! it's not about whether or not you are destined for each other, its about whether or not you want to have a kid or a disease ... if you are not MATURE enough to make that kind of decision on your own without having to ask a whole bunch of internet strangers, you are most certainly NOT mature enough to handle sex in the first place
  • use protection! if he doesnt want to wear a condom go on the pill! you dont want to get pregnant to someone you just met!

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