• Because she's under age. She has to be 17 to give her consent. All those who sleep with her and are over the age of 17 would be charged with rape.
  • If she is not at age of consent, the law calls it rape
  • This is what is irritating about the situation. This happened to my friend, he is 2 and she is 16. She lied about her age to all of us, and previously before him had slept with 3 other guys..the oldest being 27. She is saying he got her pregnant, he slept with her once and he was completely trashed. Now she wants him to pay child support if the baby is born, if he doesn't she will have her parents press charges on him. How is this fair? Her parents' werent even around, her mom lived 100 miles away and her dad is a drunk somewhere. She was sleeping under bridges and sleeping with older guys so that way they would pay for hotels, we met her and all started hanging she is blackmailing him..
  • Because she is a child. She cannot make adult decisions about her body. It is the job of the adult, who wants to have sex, to make damn sure she is 18+ before going to bed with her. Otherwise, it is rape and registration as a sex offender for the adult. +5
  • A woman is always considered the victim regardless of the circumstances. More and more, the legal system is designed to remove as many men as possible from the breeding pool. This way the elite can have as many women as possible for themselves. Just about anything these days is considered rape. How can a 16 year woman be able to consent to having sex with another 16 year old, but not with an 18 year old? They want to punish the man so as to remove him from competition, but not punish the woman so they can have her later. Did you hear in the news of a polygamist Mormon group that would excommunicate the young men for the slightest infraction, yet this never seemed to happen to the young women? It is easy to see what was going on. The same thing here, but just maybe to a lesser degree.
  • She will be in a heap of trouble.A 16 year old with a baby is not going too have an easy life.Avoid the whole situation and sleep with older ladies.
  • And I ask you: If an adult and a minor have sex, who will be charged with statutory rape? Have you ever seen a minor charged with statutory rape for having sex with an adult? Sorry but your question is riddiculus.
  • Im not saying charged with statutory rape, but there is no way she can also get in trouble.

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