• Perfect
  • Missing
  • passionate.
  • I can put at least one word for all 4 of them. Punctual (When he says he'll be somewhere, more often than not, he will be there). Supportive (He definitely is, at least of me). Mature (He makes plenty of good decisions, even if they wind up being under appreciated. Not even that stops him). Desirable (He happens to be a very good-looking and desirable guy on top of having all of these good traits. =)) Other words that start with these letters that describe him: P - - Pleasant (He's great company. He's just a great person to be around). Polite (In other words, he has manners. He holds open the door for people. He helps confused people out. He lets people be aware of things they should know if they are TRYING to figure something out in his presence instead of letting them trying to figure it all out embarrassed in front of him. He treats people with respect). Practical (He puts thought into his purchases and it would seem that he puts thought into everything else he does as well). Picky (He's picky with who he chooses to be close with/who his friends are). Persuasive (He's a really good talker and he makes good arguments that are hard to argue with). Patient (This guy has outstanding patience, at least with me. Although, I'm pretty sure he does with his friends as well. I definitely appreciate it). S - - Sincere (He's very truthful and dedicated to meaning and purpose. He puts a lot of thought into the things he says and his word can definitely be trusted). D - - Dependable (Simple. He's someone that one can depend on). Devoted (He's a pretty devoted guy to the people he chooses to be close to).
  • Passive, mysterious, secretive, dreamer.

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