• Gout is a form of arthritis that causes sudden, severe pain and tenderness in the joints. Urate crystals around the joints can accumulate when levels of uric acid in the blood are high. The body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines, a compound found in most foods. Uric acid is also present in certain meats and mushrooms and in asparagus. Medications, ice and heat, proper fluid intake, alternative medicinal methods or a combination of these can relieve gout pain effectively in most patients. Consult with your doctor before taking any medications or trying any alternative remedies.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are available both over the counter and via prescription. NSAIDs relieve gout pain by soothing inflamed or swollen joints. Ibuprofen and naproxen are popular over-the-counter NSAIDs. Prescription NSAIDs are considered safer for longer periods of use and in higher doses than over-the-counter NSAIDs are. NSAIDs can cause stomach pain, ulcers and internal bleeding, so don't exceed the recommended or prescribed doses. Gout patients who can't take NSAIDs may take the prescription drug colchicine to control moderate to severe gout pain. Colchicine can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in some people. Notify your doctor of any side effects you experience. If you are unable to take NSAIDs or colchicine, your doctor may recommend a steroid medication, such as prednisone. Steroid medications control gout pain by reducing inflammation. Steroids are available in pill form or as an injection in your joint. Steroids are typically used for only short periods because they can cause a weakened immune system, slower healing of wounds and thinning bones.

    Ice, Heat and Exercise

    Acute gout attacks may benefit from ice therapy to reduce inflammation and soothe pain. Because ice can cause stiffness, do not ice joints for more than 15 to 20 minutes at a time in most cases. Heat therapy can reduce pain by relaxing the muscles around the affected joints. Use a heating pad that is warm but not burning, and do not apply heat for more than 20-minute intervals unless your doctor recommends otherwise. Heat therapy is usually more beneficial for gout pain in the morning, whereas ice works better in the evening at treating pain from the day's activities, according to Heat therapy is also helpful before you exercise or engage in any other physical activity that may stress the affected joints. Proper stretching is vital to minimizing pain during and after exercise. Stretch thoroughly, but gently. If you feel increased pain while stretching, you are stretching too far. Follow workouts and strenuous activities with ice to ease inflammation.

    Food and Drink Changes

    The Mayo Clinic states that reducing the amount of animal protein you eat may lessen gout pain. High protein foods increase the amount of uric acid in your blood, which can lead to further swelling and pain. Do not drink alcohol while you have gout pain. Alcohol can slow the flushing of uric acid from your body, causing pain to be more severe and last longer. Drink plenty of water. Fluids can help dilute uric acid in your blood and urine and ease gout pain.

    Alternative Treatments

    Some studies have shown a relationship between coffee drinking and lower uric acid levels in the blood, the Mayo Clinic reports. However, the clinic does not recommend that people who abstain from coffee start drinking it to relieve gout pain. Vitamin C supplements may reduce uric acid levels. Talk with your doctor to determine a healthy dose of Vitamin C, because too much can increase uric acid levels. Deep-breathing exercises, meditation and other relaxation techniques can help you manage your gout pain until it stops.


    Mayo Clinic; Gout

    Arthritis: Ice or Heat?

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