• Ear pain is one of the most frustrating types of pain because it is characterized by intense pressure and pain that affects nearly all of your daily activities. Ear pain in children is often caused by a buildup of fluid behind the eardrum, which commonly causes an ear infection. Ear pain in children and adults can also be caused by allergies or the common cold. Fortunately, there are a variety of techniques you can employ to relieve ear pain.

    Ear Pain Relief

    Acetaminophen or ibuprofen are commonly recommended for ear pain relief. Acetaminophen helps to decrease fever and pain, although it should not be taken by anyone with liver disease or allergies to acetaminophen. Ibuprofen works to decrease fever, pain and inflammation. However, ibuprofen should not be given to anyone with kidney, liver, stomach or bleeding problems. Medicated eardrops can also be prescribed to relieve ear pain. If medicated eardrops are unavailable, warm up a small amount of olive oil, garlic oil or vegetable oil. Apply a few drops of this warm oil to the affected ear; this process can be repeated every two to three hours. It is important that the oil is warm, not hot. To test the temperature, apply a few drops of oil to the inner arm. If the oil feels too hot against the inner arm, it will be too hot for the inner ear. Oil should not be applied to ears if there is any liquid draining out of the ear, if the eardrum is ruptured or if ear tubes are present. Warmth against the outer ear might provide relief from ear pain. Either use a warm washcloth, hot water bottle or heating pad and place it against the outside of the ear. The temperature should be warm, not hot, as this could cause burns. If only one ear is experiencing ear pain, try keeping that ear elevated or pointing up. If both ears are experience ear pain, it might help to keep the head elevated. Some people find that cold temperatures work better to relieve ear pain. If the warmth is not providing relief, try placing a cold pack or cold washcloth against the outer ear. Swallowing helps to open the Eustachian tubes of the ears, which helps drain any fluid built up in the middle ear. To increase the rate of swallowing, try chewing gum. This constant pattern of swallowing should help to relieve the ear pain and pressure. Chewing gum should only be given to children who are old enough to safely chew it (commonly over age 4). Children younger than 4 should be given plenty of fluids to increase the rate of swallowing. An infant's ear pain might be relieved by giving them a bottle with liquid in it.


    Although ear pain can be relieved at home, you should contact your doctor immediately if any of the following conditions are present in addition to the ear pain: high fever, severe pain, severe headache, swelling around the ears, dizziness, drainage from inside the ears or weakness of the facial muscles. You should also contact a doctor if the ear pain or ear infection symptoms do not improve within 24 to 48 hours, as this could indicate a more serious ear infection or medical problem.


    Effective Ear Pain Relief


    Ear Pain: Getting Through the Night

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