• A catalytic converter reduces air pollutants. It contains small beads coated with platinum, palladium and rhodium. They change pollutants into less harmful emissions.

    The Makings of a Catalytic Converter

    A catalytic converter is made from a ceramic or stainless steel honeycomb. A mixture of silica and alumina is added to make it more efficient. The catalyst is then mixed and applied to the core of the converter.

    Catalytic Converter - Ceramic Honeycomb

    The ceramic honeycomb structured converter supports catalyst. It's a hard brittle material. It is also heat and corrosion resistant.

    Catatytic Converter - Stainless Steel Foil Honeycomb

    The other structured type of converter is the stainless steel honeycomb. It's a foil structure. It is resistant to corrosion and rusting as well.

    Catalytic Converter Main Structure Types

    Most modern automobiles use a honeycomb structure. Honeycomb is a main structure used. The other structure used is ceramic beads.


    Conclusively, modern automobiles use lead-free gasoline. The regulated exhaust emissions are reduced by converters. All automobiles sold in the U.S. must have a catalytic converter.


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