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  • Infidelity within a marriage can be an extremely painful experience. The feelings of betrayal, insecurity and personal hurt are often overwhelming. If you think that your husband may be cheating, take some time to examine his habits and behavior to be sure. Knowing what to look for and how to get concrete evidence of infidelity can help you confront the stressful situation with strength and confidence.

    Changed Behavior

    If you are in a long-standing relationship or marriage, it is very likely that you and your husband have developed certain routines, both as a couple and as individuals. Unexplained changes to these habits could indicate that your husband has started cheating. Look for sudden changes in the way he grooms himself and the clothes he wears, as renewed concern about his appearance might mean that he is trying to impress someone new. Pay attention to changes in the way he relates to you, either more or less affectionately. Less affection can indicate an emotional withdrawal from you and your marriage, whereas a sudden increase in affection might be indicative of a guilty conscience. Other behavioral changes, such as a new habit of doing his own laundry--which could be a means of hiding things like incriminating stains or receipts in pockets--may also be warning signs. Pay attention to your gut instincts, and investigate behavior that does not feel right.

    Phone and Internet Use

    The phone and computer are both likely ways that a cheating husband would communicate with the object of an affair. Paying close attention to the way he uses these items can help you catch him. If he often closes programs or internet windows quickly when you enter the room, he may be hiding what he was doing. Check internet histories for dating websites or email addresses that you are not familiar with. If you find that the history has always been recently deleted, this could be evidence that he is attempting to cover his tracks. An increase in "wrong number" or hang-up phone calls to your home phone could mean that his new interest is calling him at home, but more likely communication would be taking place on his cell phone. If he never leaves his cell phone unattended or unexpectedly adds a password or lock-key to it, he may be covering up these communications. Also be aware of where he chooses to answer phone calls, as quickly leaving the room or moving to another area is suspicious.

    Suspicion and Confrontation

    Be careful about revealing your suspicions or confronting your husband too early. Website Truth About Deception notes that allowing your spouse to see that you are suspicious may actually help him continue cheating, as he will only work harder to conceal the affair because he is alert to the fact that you are on to him. Wait until you have concrete proof of infidelity before confronting your husband to minimize the possibility that he could lie his way out of it. Proof that you have a cheating husband might manifest itself in the form of cell phone bills that itemize calls, incriminating emails or text messages, unexplained credit card charges or ATM withdrawals, or unfamiliar women's clothing or accessories found among his belongings. Once you have evaluated his behavior and confirmed your suspicions with proof, confront your husband with what you have found.


    Truth About Deception

  • do you know who the other person is?if so you can always hire a P,I, to foloow him and see just like on the show cheaters if you were in virginia I could do it for you

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