• Part of keeping your teeth healthy is keeping your gums healthy. More than three out of four Americans have gum disease, according to the FDA Consumer. If you don't remove the plaque-causing bacteria, plaque will form and irritate the gums and cause bleeding or gingivitis. This is the beginning stages of gum disease. However, it is preventable if you follow some basic dental hygiene.

    See Your Dentist

    You should visit your dentist twice a year for cleaning. Besides making sure that your teeth free of plaque, dental checkups allow the dentist to check for signs of gum disease. It will be easier to correct gum disease if you can catch it in its earliest stages.

    Brush Regularly

    Spend at least three minutes a day brushing your teeth. If you can, brush after every meal. Use circular movements of the brush, and make sure you get both sides of the teeth and the back teeth. Brushing will eliminate plaque from the surface of the teeth. A regular toothbrush should work fine, but you may also want to look into some of the specialized electric toothbrushes.


    In additional to brushing, you should use dental floss to remove plaque from between the teeth where the toothbrush can't reach. Flossing reduces gum disease 40 percent quicker than brushing alone in just two weeks, according to an article in the Journal of Periodontology. It will also help get plaque that is below the gum line. If you can keep the plaque away, gum disease won't start.

    What to Avoid

    Tobacco use is a large risk factor in developing periodontitis. According to the FDA Consumer, smokers are seven times more likely to develop periodontitis than nonsmokers. Stress is something else that should should avoid, because it makes it harder for the immune system to fight off disease. Clenching and grinding your teeth puts excess force on your teeth and tissues and could speed up decay.


    Eat a healthy diet so your body is well-supplied with the nutrients it needs to fight off infection. Avoid sugars and acidic foods because they creates an environment that allows bacteria to thrive. Drink plenty of water to flush food particles from your mouth and to allow your body the moisture to manufacture saliva in your mouth.





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