• All automobiles on the road produce some form of emissions as a byproduct of engine combustion. There have been great efforts over the years to attempt to curtail the amount of emissions that a car produces. Car exhaust is what we commonly call the pollutants that a car emits.


    Car exhaust is a result of the combustion that takes place inside the engine. Combustion produces the key pollutants that make up car exhaust, which are nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

    Ground-Level Ozone

    Car exhaust produces ground-level ozone, which is a big factor in smog. Ground-level ozone can irritate the eyes, damage the lungs and cause respiratory problems.

    Carbon Monoxide

    Carbon monoxide is another component of car exhaust. It is a poisonous, odorless and colorless gas. Carbon monoxide is the product of an incomplete combustion cycle, and cars are more likely to produce it if they are not well maintained.

    Fun Fact

    According to Environmed Research Inc., two-thirds of carbon monoxide emissions are from transportation services, and the largest contributor to that number is car exhaust.


    Car exhaust is also made up of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and benzene. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide are gases that contribute greatly to global warming. Benzene is the main toxin found in car exhaust and has been directly linked to the development of leukemia and lymphoma.


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