• Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety disorders often are incorrectly diagnosed or ignored by those who suffer from the symptoms. Many tests recently have started appearing on the Internet claiming that they can test for these disorders. While the accuracy of such tests is debatable, they can be effective in helping people assess their disorders and might encourage them to talk to a doctor.

    Symptoms - Depression

    Check with your doctor for a referral to a mental health professional if excessive feelings of hopelessness and helplessness are experienced, along with physical symptoms such as changes in sleeping pattern, appetite, concentration or irritability.

    Symptoms - Anxiety

    Trying to note symptoms of anxiousness, worry and avoidance of activities can be difficult, for these can intermingle with the symptoms of depression or may be evident alone. Feelings of irrational fear, excessive dread and physical symptoms such as a racing heart or sweating also might be present during an anxiety attack. Keep in mind that anxiety disorders often go hand in hand with other disorders, such as depression.


    Seek mental health professionals that base their method of screenings used to detect the nature and severity of a disorder. Different schools of psychiatry, psychology, counselors and therapists use a variety of methods in screening for anxiety and depression in conjunction with the fourth edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, commonly called the DSM IV. Take the opportunity to request another test or seek a different therapist if you believe that the information obtained from the screening does not depict accurately the nature or severity of the disorder.


    Provide feedback to your therapist about your thoughts on medication, for treatment for depression and anxiety might be simultaneous or require separate treatment, based on the severity of each disorder. Be sure to provide feedback to your therapist if medications have been prescribed. Side effects are evident in many drugs, some of which can be manageable for some patients but unacceptable in others. Medicines often prescribed include antidepressant drugs such as fluoxetine or paroxetine. Anxiety medications such as buspirone or benodiazepines might be prescribed alone for anxiety; depression medicines such bupropion or sertraline miught be used to treat depression. Ask your therapist about talk and cognitive behavior therapy, for these methods have proved to be effective in helping individuals overcome the symptoms of both disorders. Try using therapy alone if your doctor is confident that medication is not immediately necessary.


    Anxiety Attack

    Anxiety Disorder

    Mood Disorders

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