• You can use a body cleanse throughout the year to reduce buildup and toxins within your body. Many claim to feel an increase in energy, clearer skin and even minor weight loss after using a cleanse. While doing a cleanse may be beneficial a few times a year, especially after holidays, they must be done in moderation to keep from becoming dehydrated or malnourished.

    Type of cleanses

    There are many types of body cleanses, the most popular being those that clean the intestines and colon. Colon cleansing is thought to reduce buildup in the intestinal tract, as well as reduce possible toxins from getting into the organs and bloodstream. According to the Mayo Clinic, the body is able to cleanse itself naturally, without special pills or formulas. The Master Cleanse, a ten-day detox in which an individual drinks nothing but a mixture of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup is thought to cleanse the entire body with its restrictive diet. While these type of body cleanses may help to drop a few pounds initially, they are not safe for long-term use.

    Natural Cleanse

    Since the body is capable of removing toxins and buildup naturally, there are a few ways to cleanse the body after a period of bad eating, such as holidays. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day to remove harmful free radicals from the body, and eat at least 25 grams of fiber each day. Fiber will reduce buildup in the intestines and prevent other digestive issues, such as constipation. Regular exercise will help to eliminate toxins through sweat, as well as increasing oxygen to the blood for improved circulation. A two-day fruit and vegetable fast made from raw fruit and vegetables or fresh-squeezed juice will help you get proper nutrition and antioxidants while gently cleansing the system and digestive tract.


    Body cleanses, especially for the colon, are advised to be done no more than four times a year, with three months in between each. Constant cleansing to the system will reduce the amount of healthy bacteria, known as probiotics, in the digestive tract. Strict cleanses also drastically reduce the amount of calories to be consumed, leaving the body weak and often dehydrated.


    How often should you cleanse your colon

    Colon cleansing: Is it helpful or harmful?

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