• Well, for one thing, it's a very personal thing because I happen to think that many greens blues go together and reds and purples, too if they are the right ones. You seem to like colors that are opposite or near opposite the color wheel, but colors next to each other can just nicely blend, too. It's really more the tone and shade that makes colors 'go', not the actual color family. It's how you use a color that makes it work and if there are other colors, accents that make them all look their best.
  • Colours usually go well with the colour opposite it on the colour wheel eg: yellow/purple red/green blue/orange I think it's something to do with the contrast, it works nicely. (i forget the rest of the colour theory) :) Purple and red might look bad together, but maybe a lighter purple and lighter red would suit better together? Same with the green and blue - if they're both dark versions of the colour they're too close, but if you lighten them there's a better contrast and they go well together - ? My 2c.
  • It's rather mysterious how the spectrum of colours can play havoc with our sensory perception or it can be very pleasing indeed. The explanation seems to become more obvious when you examine the colour wheel showing patterns of the primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary and so on and the rest.
  • Well I do believe all colors go well togather, BUT it depends on a hugh... If you have a light green and a egg blue they go very well togather...kinda like easter. A dark purple and a light pinkish red go togather well also. ... but speaking of just normal colors...they dont go togather well only becuase they have opposing color mixtures. Take a look at the color wheel, I just remember learning about matching colors in Art class.

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