• Merriam-Webster defines frustration as a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs. There are many causes.


    Frustration occurs when a factor or condition interferes with or prevents attainment of a goal. Generally frustration is caused by external factors---factors beyond a person's control or factors perceived to be beyond control. Some common examples include finances, health issues, family matters, technology, and sexual performance.

    Individual Factors

    Why are some people more easily frustrated when exposed to the same external factors? Two theories discuss the internal factors, or traits that affect levels of frustration in the individual. Goal theory maintains that a person's level of determination to try for and persist in the achievement of a goal affects frustration levels (Campion and Lord, 1982) while self-efficacy theory examines the relationship between frustration and the belief in one's capabilities (Locke and Latham, 1990).

    Goal Theory

    Goal theory considers the importance of the task or goal and the belief that the task or goal can be accomplished, along with the severity of the interruption. As the importance and/or severity of the interruption increases, so, too, does the level of frustration.

    Self-Efficacy Theory

    A person may become anxious, be more suspicious and may react to problems with frustration when they do not have confidence in their abilities to perform. Experience helps. With experience comes perspective---experienced individuals tend to view a problem as a challenge, not as a frustration.

    Other Causes

    One cannot discount the importance of rest. In clinical trials, sleep deprivation has been found to cause frustration. Frustration is also a common reaction to interruptions during sleep.



    My E-Expert; Healthcare: Impact of Anger and Frustration: Origin, Dynamics, and Management

    Severity and Impact of Computer User Frustration: A Comparison of Student and Workplace Users; Jonathan Lazar et al., Science Direct, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2006

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