• There are a number of plants that can grow successfully under pine trees. The main challenges are light, acidity and space. Pine trees shed needles, which increase the acidity of soil over time. Their dense branches block light and thick tree roots, which grow close to the surface, limit bed space.

    Plant Ideas

    Perennial conifers and evergreens have always grown well under pines. Rhododendron is a popular choice, as are azaleas, which turn pink as a result of the acidic soil. Heuchera is another suitable perennial. Broad-leafed plants and flowers do well under pine trees, especially if they love shade. Impatients, hostas and ferns that thrive in drier soil all flourish under pines. In northern climates, indigenous flowers, such as trillium and lily of the valley, grow well in the acidic soil.


    The tree's location will affect what you can plant under it. If you have several trees or a tree in the shadow of a building, select only shade-loving plants. In cold climates, where the ground freezes in winter, some perennials are vulnerable and may need to be covered. When planting annuals, remember that what you plant will change the soil for the next year. Be patient with new growth. A combination of one or two evergreens or flower varieties is often enough. Plants will spread in time and should not overwhelm the viewer.


    Ground covers and grass are practical solutions to the problem of protruding or shallow pine roots. They grow quickly and cover the whole area. Their own roots are short and tender and will not compete with tree roots. In time, lawns and ground covers will become lush and soft. By adding lime or compost to the soil beneath a pine, you can change its pH balance and expand your planting options.


    Old Fashioned Living--Pines

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