• Renal failure occurs when your kidneys fail to process waste products from your body. When your kidneys fail, waste builds up, causing problems that include swelling of your feet and ankles, low or no urine output, dark urine, pain in your back, and sudden weight changes. Many people don't realize they have kidney failure, because early signs can be attributed to other illnesses, according to the Mayo Clinic. Testing is crucial.

    Blood and Urine

    Blood and urine tests will be ordered to detect any increased volume of waste products. A chest X-ray might be ordered to check for pulmonary edema, fluid in the lungs.


    An ultrasound scan might be performed to confirm the diagnosis. The high-frequency sound waves can detect the shape of your kidney and can show any obstructions that might be causing the problem.


    Computerized tomography might be used to create detailed images of your kidneys and other organs.


    An MRI uses magnetism and radio waves to provide detailed cross-sectional pictures of your kidneys.

    Kidney Biopsy

    A kidney biopsy is a procedure in which your doctor takes a small sample of your kidney tissue and has it examined microscopically. This can yield a more specific diagnosis of your kidney disease.


    Mayo Clininc - renal failure discussion

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