• There are no scientifically proven ways to cure a cold or flu to date, but there are several treatments used to shorten their duration and improve symptoms. There are a number of over the counter medications that claim to "cure" the cold and flu viruses, but none of these products are FDA-approved.

    Treating a Cold and Flu at Home

    You may purchase over-the-counter medications such as Theraflu, Triametic, Chloroseptic Spray, Robitussin and Nyquil to minimize discomfort and suppress coughing. If you do not like taking medications there are several things you can do at home that work just as well as these medications. One recommendation is to blow your nose as often as you can. This gets rid of mucus stored up your sinus cavities. Sinuses and are lined with mucus membranes, so when too much mucus builds up, bacteria can grow and spread, which may also lead to sinusitis. If blowing your nose is difficult due to blockage, make sure you inhale steam or sleep near a humidifier to help loosen up this build-up. Taking plenty of warm showers may also help with breathing discomforts. Also make sure you get plenty of rest. This helps to build up your immune system, which your body needs to be at optimum health. If you have a sore throat, it may help tremendously to gargle. Gargling warm water with salt or with a little honey and lemon may help to loosen phlegm and ease the irritation in your throat. It also gives temporary pain relief, although you may have to repeat this process several times a day. You may also use an astringent gargle. Drink plenty of liquids to ward of dehydration. The standard eight to 10 glasses of water or tea applies here. However stay away from fizzy drinks, and juices packed with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, as they may promote dehydration. Drinking warm teas during this time may help to relieve nasal and throat congestion. Green tea is a good choice as it contains natural antioxidants. Also eating foods that are high in vitamin C such as red peppers, grapefruit, broccoli and oranges may help to boost the immune system, which may shorten the duration of the symptoms associated with the cold and flu. Garlic is a powerful herb and may prove very helpful during a cold or flu infection. It is often referred to as "nature's antibiotic," and is readily available in just about any grocery market. It is most effective when eaten fresh or taken as a supplement. According to WH, garlic contains allicin, which is a powerful antibacterial antiviral agent that when coupled with vitamin C can destroy harmful microbes. This makes garlic exceptionally useful when it comes to fighting off cold and flu viruses.


    Freedrinkingwater: Water can Heal

    WHFood: Garlic Easing the Pain of a Sore Throat

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