• A blue book contains prices of both new and used vehicles in their current condition to help you make decisions on purchases and sales with an informative and solid, fair price.


    There are two nationally known blue books to supply the public with transaction information. The first copy of each was originally available in a blue hardbound book. This is how the name "blue book" came about.


    The pricing information in a blue book takes into consideration the year of a vehicle, its mileage and both interior and exterior condition to estimate its value.


    Blue books cover cars, trucks, ATVs and motorcycles in all conditions. This information will provide you with the tools to purchase or sell items by knowing their actual value so that you can make a purchase or sale based on true value and not implied value.


    Kelley blue book is the first known book of its kind and was in use in 1918. NADA blue book was soon to follow with a publish date of 1933. Each is still widely used by the public.


    It is advisable to know the blue book value of your vehicles for selling and trading acquisitions, and for insurance purposes in case of an accident.


    Kelley Blue Book

    NADA Blue Book

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