• Twitter is a popular website that allows users to publish short messages of 140 characters or less online for other users to see. Posting a message on Twitter is known as "tweeting" or twittering."


    Twitter offers users a place to share short thoughts on any topic almost instantaneously and is often used to create updates remotely from portable devices.


    Twitter allows friends to stay in touch and monitor the activities and thoughts of one another, and can also allow people to follow the thoughts of popular Twitter users; many celebrities have Twitter accounts with thousands of followers.


    Twitter can lower productivity if one spends too much time making or checking updates, and the complexity of writing on Twitter is limited by the 140-character word limit.


    While Twitter is often used as a way to make daily personal status updates, it has potential to be used as a networking tool, as a way to receive breaking news, and to research current trends and consumer sentiment.


    Twitter has become so popular that it is often referred to in the news and social media, similar to Facebook, MySpace and Youtube.


    Twitter Website

    "What does Twitter mean for the online video industry?"

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