• Microsoft Word is a word processing program that was first released in 1989. It is used to create and save papers, manuscripts and other written works. The program affords a number of important benefits to users.

    Format Options

    Microsoft Word has a plethora of formatting options for the user to choose from. This includes custom color choices for both background and text, tables, borders, margins, bullets in a variety of shapes as well as paragraph spacing and indentation.

    Global Changes

    If you need to change a word or phrase throughout the document, you can do a global change--"Find and Replace"-- rather than editing each occurrence.

    Passive Voice

    Some later versions of Microsoft Word have features, included with the spelling and grammar checker, that point out phrases in the passive voice, cliches and jargon.

    Track Changes

    Microsoft Word gives you the option to track changes when editing a document. This feature is useful because others can see the changes that you think should be made, and they can decide whether or not to accept them.


    Word allows you to insert pictures and clip art to enhance your document. Additionally, you can align the images within the text of your document as you see fit.


    Small Biz Technology; The History of Microsoft Word; January 2007

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