• A spreadsheet is a computerized chart made up of rows and columns Spreadsheets can be very beneficial in managing personal finances and organizing large amounts of information, for example.


    The purpose of a spreadsheet is to let you effectively manage, analyze and share information. Spreadsheets can be beneficial to both business and personal agendas.

    Managing Information

    Spreadsheets let you easily manage a large amount of information by entering formulas that can add, subtract and divide, amongst other tasks.


    To use a formula, enter your desired formula into a cell. Cells are the intersection of a row with a column. For example, if you have numbers in cells D1 through D15, you would like to enter the formula "=SUM(D1:D15)" into cell D16.

    Practical Uses

    Formulas make spreadsheets practical to use. Keeping track of grades in a class or keeping up with student loan payments are examples of how you can use spreadsheets practically.

    Additional Benefits

    Top of the line spreadsheet software programs can generate inputted information into professional looking charts. You can enhance the charts with 3D effects and different kinds of shadowing.


    Microsoft Office Online


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