• Acai supplements have been widely promoted as a major health breakthrough and as a weight loss aid. No solid evidence has been recorded that the little berry can meet all these claims, but there have been no reports that there are any dangers of acai berry supplements.


    The acai berry is native to northern South America, particularly the Brazilian Amazon. It has been a natural part of the diet of people living in this region for many years. The dark purple acai berry grows in clusters on palm trees.

    Scientific Evidence

    The Food and Drug Administration does not test dietary supplements, but no adverse effects or dangers of acai berry supplements have been reported with use.


    The only cautions that are labeled on the supplement database at the National Institutes of Health is an advisory for pregnant and nursing women to discuss the use of the acai supplement with their physician before using.


    When purchasing acai supplements, read the ingredients label and buy from a trusted source. Use only pure acai tablets with no other added compounds or ingredients. Always take supplements in the recommended dosage.

    Expert Insight

    Dr. Perricone, Professor of Medicine at Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine, lists acai as the No. 1 super food due to its antioxidant content, fiber and heart-healthy fats.


    Acai Product Information

    Acai Berry Information

    Dr. Perricone Superfood

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