• High triglyceride levels can contribute to heart disease, stroke and heart attack. Triglycerides are formed after fat is digested. This fat comes from carbohydrates and other energy sources. Changes in your diet and lifestyle can reduce triglyceride levels.

    Breads and Pasta

    White breads and pasta made from white flour (bleached) are high in carbohydrates. Switching to whole-wheat breads and pastas made from whole grains can help lower triglyceride levels.

    Meat & Fish

    Meat and fish are staples of many diets and can be prepared to lower triglyceride levels. Seasonable fish--such as summer flounder, wild Pacific salmon, tilapia and haddock--can help lower triglycerides. Lean meat that is broiled or baked also can lower triglyceride levels.

    Fresh Fruit

    Three half-cup servings of fresh fruit a day can lower triglyceride levels. One citrus fruit should be added to the fruit servings. Canned fruit can be used if it is not preserved in syrup, which adds sugar.

    Fresh Vegetables

    Steam or boil vegetables to get the recommended three servings a day. Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and celery are high in fiber, which has been linked to reducing high cholesterol. String beans, squash, escarole and spinach also are good choices.

    Food and Drink to Avoid

    Avoid sugar-based foods, sugar-based drinks and alcohol. Sugar and alcohol are high in calories that will be converted to fat and stored in the body as triglycerides.


    American Heart Association- Triglycerides

    Mayo Clinic- Triglycerides and Why They Matter

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