• we have an artist here... Suzanna... we thought she was dead for two years.. one day she showed up and everyone was very surprised.. then about a few months,she died for real
  • Lazerith
  • No one, including jesus, can rise from the dead.
  • Yes! In fact, it used to be that there were bells at gravesites. A string was attached to the fingers of a dead person, which ran to the bell above ground. If they awoke, they could ring the bell by moving their fingers. This is where the term "saved by the bell" comes from. It is also the original reason for wakes. The person would sometimes "wake" shortly after they were presumed dead. There was always a person posted for three days (this was usually done in shifts) near the body to help the person, and alert others in the event the person came back to life. They were "sitting up with the dead" (primarily southern US colloquialism). As technologies advanced, there were no further needs for wakes and bells. The wakes nowdays are for those in mourning, not for the potentially dead. +5
  • Huckleberry Finn
  • not even Jesus...that story is a myth, not based in fact, just like the immaculate conception...

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