• I would think so, they were probably kin to the dinosaurs.. makes sense to me.
  • if you knew my mother inlaw you would say yes
  • However, you need to consider that dinosaurs did not breathe fire, and only pterodactyls ever flew, you are talking t-rex size beast flying and breathing fire. It is a pure myth as the science of fire breathing by natural evolution is mind-boggling.
  • There is little or no proof of the existance of dragons. But theroies about about how almost every culture has had stories of dragons, or all shapes and sizes over the corse of history leads me to belive that yes, there were.
  • All of the Oriental dragons were intimately associated with water. Dragons lived in lakes and rivers and seas, even in raindrops. They controlled the tides, floods and rainfall. If they really existed, then a source that immediately comes to mind is the Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis. They are not as large as their American cousin, ranging from an average two metres in length to sometimes three metres. But they are dangerous, reptilian and water-based - all good reasons for linking them to the Oriental dragon. But only if you haven’t heard of the predecessors of the real-life Komodo dragon … Australian monitor lizards all belong to the genus Varanus. They are easily identifiable by their streamlined shape, elongated neck, semi-erect posture, and a forked tongue - which can give the effect of fire-breathing. They all look very similar except for their size differences, which are extreme to say the least. The smallest is the pygmy monitor Varanus brevicauda (20 centimetres long, weighs 8-10 grams). The largest in Australia is the perentie or Varanus giganteus, which can attain a length of two metres. Larger still are the Komodo Dragons (Varanus komodoensis) of Indonesia, a country that the ancient Chinese would certainly have visited. They can reach lengths of three metres and weigh 150 kgs, making them the world’s largest lizards. They are formidable predators, like crocodiles that are able to run quickly across land. They were probably the reason that the stegodonts (pygmy elephants) became extinct in this area. They might even have wiped out the 1-metre tall, miniature humans, Homo floresiensis, who lived there up until 12,000 years ago. These dragons were previously more widespread, with evidence of them once occurring in Mongolia coming to light. And in Queensland, Australia, only becoming extinct 19,000 years ago (take that date with a pinch of salt), was a bigger lizard still, a cousin of the Komodo dubbed Megalania prisca. Megalania prisca, as we have learned from fossil evidence, grew to be a staggering seven metres in length and weighed 600 kgs . Although it was technically a lizard, it must have had the presence of a dinosaur, and almost certainly ate a few of the humans of that era. But it’s usual meal was more likely to have been rhinoceros-sized wombats. [Strange days indeed with gigantism seeming to be rampant.] These meals are believable when you consider that Komodo dragons have been known to kill water buffalo weighing three times more than themselves. Which brings us back to ancient Rome! Pliny, the Roman naturalist, said that the dragon of India was "so enormous a size as easily to envelop the elephant with its folds and encircle with its coils. The contest is equally fatal to both; the elephant, vanquished, falls to the earth and by its weight crushes the dragon which is entwined about it." He also mentioned the dragons of Ethiopia, which, with a length of only thirty feet, were too small to kill elephants. Other European myths state that dragons always jumped onto elephants from out of trees. Is this all just fantasy, amazing stories concocted to scare children with? Or is it just as reasonable to suggest that dragons once lived? So where are we heading? On the one hand there are myths connecting dragons to global destruction and rebirth. On the other are links to DNA, ancient languages, ancient calendars and the I Ching. And now I am taking a big breath and suggesting that the mythical dragons were rooted in reality, that knights in shining armour actually killed real dragons, and somehow it all makes sense. This is where a new theory of evolution comes in… stay tuned.
  • I think most dragon myth stories developed from those who saw dinosaur fossils, which look scary, especially dinosaur fossil heads. Those who found the fossils THOUGHT they were looking at SKELETON bones, but it was really fossils. Those who actually saw them were very convinced they were skeletons, and those who heard the reports of others who had seen them were certainly convinced they had seen the remains of some horrible creature! Naturally, some who saw the fossils, would claim THEY had slain it! This created myths of dragon slaying, etc.
  • if you meet ann robinson you would think so lol
  • yeah, but not in the mythical sence. we have dragons today but they are actually large lizards.
  • yes they really did a long time ago because humons kept on killing them.then a dragon was discover in a cave. so yes dragons did exist.
  • In the mythological sense, it's doubtful. In the sense of some creatures bearing the name, certain. If you're interested in the treatment of mythological dragons as actual, living beings, medieval bestiaries may be of interest to you as might a program put out by BBC/Animal Planet called "Dragon's World: A Fantasy Made Real."
  • Dragons come up in cultures all over the world, who never could have met. before you diss this, tell me how they all got the same charicters in their heads?
  • Sadly no... But I did see a cool cable movie that made it look like they had... :-)
  • Simply, NO.
  • I read that dragons could exist! Why? They have wings(like birds) their body(like big lizards) they breath fire(?????) and they have claws(any animal)! No-one knows are they real! But...than again....i think that they wore real and that they are!
  • some scientist blieve that dragons nvr rlly existed, that our imagination just created them as a guideline of wat animals to avoid,the most common example is the european dargon, it has the body of a lion, the neck of a giant snake, and the talons of a bird( keep in mind in caveman days, some birds were so big they could pick u right off the ground with little or no effort)
  • I think there is some historical creature from which this type of mythology arose. In the Arabian Nights, there is a creature called the Roc, a large bird capable of snatching a full grown man away. Though no such bird currently live, who knows....?
  • Yes:if you want more info why you will have to ask.+3
  • Yes; of course they did: Ask Harry PotterLOL! I think the Bible speaks in some such manner: so perhaps that's how they were referred back then.
  • In the popular sense (Huge flying animals with wings), it is 99.9999999 % certain dragons never existed. The air and gravity of earth severly limit the possible size a flying animal can have and still be viable. The flaming breath is even less likely to have ever existed in any animal.
  • Some paleantologists actually believe that dragons DID exist during the era of the dinosaurs and the whole fire thing was just exaggeration. I go along with this hypothesis.
  • Of course they did. We call them dinosaurs. (Rhambphorhynchus) Flying dinos. If you were living back then and found dino remains, what would you think it was?
  • Maybe all the ancient stories of dragons were really just ancestors of dinosaurs that hadn't died off yet or something.

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