• Inpatient rehabilitation is one of leading treatments for people addicted to alcohol and/or drugs. Rehab centers, which can be found nationwide, specialize in treating the physical and mental addictions related to alcohol and drug abuse.


    People abuse alcohol and drugs for a variety of reasons, but two factors play into addiction. Physical addiction is the body's chemical dependency for the substance, while mental addiction occurs when the individual believes he needs the substance to function.

    Inpatient Rehab

    Residential (inpatient) rehabilitation is the process of admitting a substance-abuser into a drug-treatment facility. The specific addiction is identified and a treatment plan is determined.

    Treatment Programs

    There are several substance-abuse treatment programs, such as 12-steps and dual-diagnosis, that patients can go through, but the biophysical program is considered the most successful. Biophysical treatment recognizes the physical and mental addictions, treats them without the use of replacement medications, and has a three times higher recovery rate than other treatments.

    Treatment Costs and Recovery

    According to the National Substance Abuse Treatment Services Survey, inpatient rehab costs an average of $7,000 per month. Long-term treatment programs, such as biophysical, can cost between $10,000 and $40,000.


    If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-877-421-9659 for more treatment information and rehab facilities near you.


    What is Addiction?

    Types of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

    How Much Does Drug Rehab Cost?

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