• The best way to have your pregnancy covered by medical insurance is to have insurance before you conceive. The average cost of having a baby ranges from $6,400 for a normal delivery to $10,600 for a cesarean.

    New Health Plans

    If you don't have medical insurance when you get pregnant and then get coverage, the new health plan does not have to immediately cover your pregnancy. The new plan could make you wait a couple of months before coverage is offered.

    Avoid Changing Jobs While Pregnant

    Switching jobs while you're pregnant may result in lapse of coverage, even when you are pregnant. If you do begin a new job during a pregnancy, it is possible that you might have to wait up to a couple of months for coverage.

    Small Businesses May Not Cover Maternity Care

    If you work for an employer with 15 or more employees, a federal law requires that your plan cover your pregnancy-related medical bills.

    Avoid Penalities

    Check with your plan to see if you have to contact your health insurance company when you're admitted to the hospital for labor and delivery. Some health plans will penalize you financially if you don't call shortly after your admission.

    Free Clinics

    Check your area for free clinics or clinics that charge a sliding scale. If you don't have insurance, a free clinic may offer assistance.

    Apply for Medicaid

    Consider applying for Medicaid if you are uninsured. You must meet the program's low-income requirements before being accepted.


    Pregnancy Insurance: How Medicaid Works

    American Pregnancy Association

    Pregnancy With No Insurance

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