• well, he rides the short yellow bus, so i just assumed he was special
  • He's a really great cook & likes to cook for me. Yummy!
  • neVer harrasses mE after seX. wE neVer fiight. cOOks. cleans. helps with eVerythiing and neVer complains. works. very "handy". and best of all, left-handed. ...did i mention i'm siinglE??? =]
  • Every little thing she does is magic.
  • My current s.o. washes my car every Saturday morning... ;~)
  • she has my back no matter what stupid stuff I say or do:)
  • She's got great taste....she picked me:)
  • Whenever i have problems in my life she is the one who comfort me ,and she stand up during my difficult times.
  • He puts up with me.
  • He loves me.
  • She is the kindest, most compassionate, most affectionate and loving woman I have ever known. She has a great sense of humor, is very patient with children, and has a very vibrant, upbeat personality. And best of all, she loves ME! : D
  • He loves me for me, flaws and all. I couldn't ask for more. :)
  • The absence of one. :)
  • The nice Aussie accent she has.
  • Her flaming red her, her sparkling emerald eyes,her delightful freckles, her captivating smile, her ballerina physique, her warmth and compassion. And I'm only scratching the surface. +4
  • She is the one who loves me enough to put up with me! lol
  • she tolerates me like no other would.
  • He knows me (good and bad), but loves me anyway!
  • He's one of the strongest people I've ever known. He's blindingly intelligent, incredibly funny, and incredibly kind. He can be a bit obtuse about other people's feelings from time to time, but the instant you call that to his attention he immediately switches gears and focuses on it like a laser beam. . He's an incredibly talented artist (and I'm on this computer tonight because he's rehearsing for the opening of his new show), and I'm incredibly proud of him. . We work in completely different fields, but he shows every bit as much respect for my work and my career as I show for his. I sit through performances of artists that I don't like; he sits through boring political events that make him want to scream. . And after he does that, he gives me at least an hour of incredibly perceptive (and completely hilarious) commentary on the stupidity of what he just sat through. And he doesn't blame me. . At the same time, when I see something going on with one of his cast of performers, he listens. And he's not only receptive, but recognizes that, more often than not, when I weigh in on something, I know what I'm talking about. . He's the one who remembers all of our nieces' and nephews' birthdays -- something that I am awful about. . When he hits a snag, he welcomes my help, and when I need his help, he's always there. He was just hours away from heading off for a Christmas vacation with his family when I ended up at the hospital. The vacation was cancelled and he never left me alone -- and when I said he should go ahead and go, he looked at me like I was nuts. . He's allergic to my cats, and he claims he doesn't like animals. (The cats know he's blowing smoke. They love him and while I don't think they're the most reliable character references out there, it's a point in his favor.) . I've got a strong personality and have sometimes inadvertently sort of overwhelmed others I've dated. That's never happened with him, and I know it never will, so I don't have to turn down the volume on my personality when I'm with him. . So. With him I get to be me. And happy. . We met a little over four years ago when a mutual friend introduced us. There hasn't been one day since that we haven't talked, and there hasn't been one moment when either of us doubted where this was heading. . We each decided that we wanted to get married within a few weeks of meeting each other. When we talked about it, and realized that we each felt the same way, we both thought "This is hormones, and it's stupid, and it's premature, and it's nice but we need to wait until we know our brains are fully engaged." . Well, four years later the hormones haven't worn off but the brains are fully engaged -- just like we are. . But the bottom line is I love him. I can't think about him without a stupid smile breaking out. And for some reason that completely escapes me, he feels the same way. . As a gay guy growing up in the South, I picked up by osmosis that people like me don't deserve to be happy. Turns out that's not true.
  • Many things. For starters, she said "Yes" and followed it up 11 months later with "I do". And she had given me three delightful children, for whom she is a wonderful Mommy. And she puts up with me! :):):)
  • he has known me so long that he was there for me when my first boyfriend broke up with me, and vice versa. He is my soulmate, and I love him cuz he puts up with my crazies.
  • she gave me 2 wonderful gifts the greatest gift she ever gave me was my son... the second greatest gift she gave me was to run away 2290 miles with BF#3
  • Ask him, he keeps the list.
  • Right now he snores so comfy ))))... Just like saying "I'm happy, I'm happy".

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