• Freedom of religion is one thing, and refusing medical care for a sick child is another. As the child's parents they had a legal responsibility to act and they did not. But hey maybe I should make a religion which says drunk driving is ok, then I shouldn't be prosecuted when I kill someone in a head on collision.
  • Thanks for posting yet another example of why "Christianity can be fatal." It sure was for Mr. & Mrs. Jackal Puke's kid. I sure feel sorry for that kid; I really do, and had I been on the Jackal Puke's jury, I would have argued for first-degree murder convictions. Those parents didn't want Gawd to heal their daughter; they wanted the life insurance money they would realize from her death, which, thanks be to Almighty Gawd (and a judge/jury) they are not gonna get. SCREW "Freedom of Religion" in THAT particular case! +5
  • Your right. Why don't you offer up a form of health care reform program where sick people are prayed for, rather than seeing professional doctors? Say no to death panels, say yes to Life! It will be deficit neutral and the right wing of the GOP will support it! Hell, out of gratitude, they might make you ambassador to France. And don't worry about that surgery you're scheduled for, we have seven of our best nuns working on your case already.
  • Unfortunately they were convicted of 2ed degree, which doesn't carry a life sentence. They should get life. Diabetes is very controllable, its a story when parents will let their child die over something so simple as a doctors visit.
  • Surely freedom of religion has to do with choices you make for yourself, but not for others. If the parents had tried to beat the devil out of the child (this has happened at least once in America though almost certainly not within the religion in the article) and the kid died no one would have qualms about calling it murder. . This wasn't murder, at least not murder one. It was criminal negligence: the parents knew that medicine could help a person they were responsible for and they put it off hoping for a miracle that never came. . Their lack of action killed their daughter. If they get jail time it will not be because of what they believed, it will be because they took a risk on their daughter's life and she died because of that risk.
  • A child, as a citizen of the United States is guaranteed freedom of religion and may choose not to accept the religion of the parents. A child is an individual person with rights and not property owned by the parents like you might own a dog.
  • These people deserve to be in jail. You should have the right to believe whatever it is that you want to believe. However, when those beliefs infringe on the rights of another human being, especially one that is under your care, you should be held accountable. Should a religious zealot who kills a national leader (use a fictional president of the U.S. as an example) not be held accountable if he says he's doing the work of Jesus Christ and believes it? Of course not. The same is true in this case. Any belief is not cause to inhibit the life of another person. It's the blatant ignorance that led to the little girl's death and it's the blatant ignorance of those people's religious leaders that led to that disastrous situation. . A belief is not cause to be jailed. Infringement on another person's human rights is cause. These folks did just that. If you can't take care of your own children that perhaps you should consider letting someone else do it for you, and not some invisible man living in the clouds with Zeus, Odin, or any other fictional character of personified perfection.
  • Reading that story made me want to throw up. How could parents do that to their own child. 25 years is not anywhere near long enough!
  • In this case, the girl's parents forced their beliefs on her, which led to her death.
  • Freedom of religion does not include the right to kill your child through lack of proper care. +4
  • Freedom of Religion in the USA does not include virgin sacrifice. Until 1993 even animal sacrifice was not allowed. The Supreme Court decision is below.
  • They may well have believed in the power of prayer - but they did not note that one of the gospels was written by a doctor, therefore god approves of doctors. Nor did they note that not all of the healing miracles were achieved through prayer - but by healing, touching, and a range of things. It is like the old story of a man praying to win the lottery.. and god says: meet me halfway, buy a ticket!!!!
  • I believe in the power of prayer, but I do not stop eating and pray that I would stay alive! They are being sentenced for the crime of stupidity and ignorance, not religious belief. Religious belief dictates you do take all possible action but will be content with the will of God at the end.
  • The 9/11 perpetrators were supposedly motivated by their religion. Does 'freedom of religion' extend to flying airplanes into buildings?
  • Religious tolerance has limits. The law does not permit you to kill other humans simply because your religion says so, nor does it allow for neglect or child abuse. If a religion calls for a child to die a slow painful death as her parents simply watch and do nothing, that religion is dangerous.
  • Wow, I just wanna say....WOW. I cannot even express how I feel about this as I would get banned from AB. I live in Alabama in the bible belt, and I have heard of relegious people doing this before. I am disgusted by it, I grew up Babtist and I am PROUD to say I no longer claim any relegion at all. I firmly keep a belief in a HIGHER being, but in a realestic way. Noone knows and noone has ever talked to God or any form of God. lets wake up and leave the fairy tails where they belong, in cartoons.
  • They didn't go to jail for their beliefs they went for murder. Those people disgust me. An 11 year old cannot choose their religious beliefs and to inflict them on a child at the cost of it's life is obscene. This was a thinking breathing fully formed human being who died because the adults who had a duty to protect her did not. Let them pray for forgiveness for the next 25 years.
  • They don't face jail for their beliefs, but for allowing a child to die.
  • Freedom of Religion- that covers quite a bit of ground. So much ground that it included the notion of: "Manifest Destiny". Which is the notion that the United States was 'divinely" ordained to come into existence. Considering your ancestry there Mr. Ringwraith, are you completely sure you want to give religion a blank check just because it's "part of their beliefs"?
  • Prayer is good but it needs to be backed up by action- Lord heal my child form their ilness. answer from God- I gave a fine young man , a doctor an MD the gift of healing- go take the child to see the doctor. Prayer answered- an example of the consequences of faith without works. Old Indian proverb says to pray but row for the shore too!
  • You can believe ANYTHING you want. Acting on those beliefs could get you into trouble though. Personally I think they got off far too lightly.

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