• It will help but make sure you research this! If you take too much, it could make you instantly diabetic along with a host of other problems. Make sure you are under a physicians care to monitor you're health. You probably want to get a metablolic panel done once a month along with sugar and cholesterol.
  • Certainly seek physicians advice... however, hgh and diabetes is very, very, very rare people suggest having a sugary drink 45 mins after injection should help aid this. It will help you build muscle... over a long period, it isn't a 6 month affair, really 12 months with good diet & hard training will help. Have you tried Tribulus or ZMA? Or even legal pro hormones like epistaine, or google GHRP-6 it's very much aimed at your goal (gaining mass).
  • Not much at all at your age, as you are at the peak for HGH production in your body right now... from here it will decline slightly each year as you get older. Folks who notice the most benefit from it are older folks who's systems don't produce much HGH anymore. Like when they hit their 50's and older. At your age, it would pretty much be a waste of money. Your money would be better spend on protein supplementation. I had a better link for this, showing the peak in men being in the mid twenties, but this one will do as a reference for now -
  • yes it will

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