• My kitty help releave the stress of the day. She cuddles up and purrs and gives me unconditional love.
  • They can be used to catch rodents and insects. Additionally, the presence of cats tends to improve my mood.
  • How can you ask?? Of course they are. Pets lower blood pressure and having a nice gentle cat that loves you no matter what, is a great thing to have. Honestly, my cat brigtens my mood and makes me smile:)
  • Use? in what way? they make good pets..stroking them is theraputic..they help to keep away rodents..they are friendly animals..they make great companions, especially for older people or those that live alone..research shows that cats can help to combat depression..
  • They are wonderful little creatures that give you unconditional love. :)
  • Entertainment. Ours do funny and interesting things. One of them fetches - not to any command, of course - just when he feels like it. They talk. They reduce stress. They are beautiful, ornamental, clean, and charming. If we HAD mice they would catch them, but this service is not required (not their fault; they're willing). When we traveled in Russia we were told a story about St. Petersburg at the end of WWII - the people were starving, and they ate even the dogs and cats. The result was that at war's end, the city was overrun by rats. A city farther east and south, Yaroslavl, sent a large supply of cats to St. Petersburg. The cats did an excellent job of rat-population control. So yes, cats are of considerable use - in addition to being great pets.
  • Yes, I had one years ago and she died. I have a little dog now, she would love a cat, butunfortunately my dog keeps me busy enough and I now live in a small flat. The are clean animals which are quite independent. +5
  • They sleep with you at night. They provide company and you do not have to go home to "let them out" 3x a day. When you touch them you don't have to go wash some smell off your hands. When more people lived close to the earth and the means of obtaining food, they were valuable as mousers. Still are.
  • To me she is a boot camp for my tolerance.
  • Certainly. They are most generous in the way they let you live in your house, and demand food a remarkably small number of times a day.
  • On my farm the cats earned their keep. They protected the garden from mice, field rats and moles. Most days there were one or two "gifts" on the back porch.
  • Absolutely they are! ~They keep you warm on a cold winters night. The more cats, the warmer you are ~ although you may wake up with a sore back from not moving, so as to not disturb the sleeping felines! ~They help in the garden when required, and although it becomes more a game of cat and mouse(fingers), it's very therapeutic watching them. ~The bring little gifts (mice, baby rats, praying mantis, cicadas and lately LEAVES) and proudly meow til they have everyone's attention ~They're great stress relief and simply stroking them can lower blood pressure. ~They give great hugs.
  • Anti-mice and a great companion or companions. +5
  • Mine is great for keeping mice and rats and other furry and not so furry critters away from the house.
  • Ship's cats and barnyard cats were expected to earn their keep. Modern pampered cats don't do much more than stress relief, if even that.
  • Cats are just as good as dogs as pets. Ive had several that I just loved.
  • Yes, they are. If there were no cats, the rat and mouse population would explode. In case you don't know, that was 1 of the main causes of the black plague. People believed that cats were evil and killed them all off. As a result, the rodent population exploded, causing the black plague. Don't ever think cats are evil or worthless!
  • Even today in the U.S., delis and restaurants use cats to catch mice.
  • Chinese I have heard. I usually get take out. Skinning them myself would be a chore.
  • What is considered as "actual use" for a pet? Can they do your taxes? No.

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