• He helped to find the hatch on the island :)
  • In his two writings about the government he opposed the theory of devine and absolute right of the king.He played a great role in bringing French nationalism through his writings.
  • We have a lot to thank John Locke for. He's considered one of, if not the founder of modern liberal thought. His best known work was the Second Treatise on Government, in which he attacked the ideas of absolutism and the king's divine right to rule, as well as placed a huge emphasis on the importance of private property in civil society. He was a huge influence the American Revolution (less so on the French), as he wrote that it was the peoples' responsibility to revolt if their government failed them, as well as his famous mantra - man's inalienable rights: life, liberty and property, echoed of course in the American Constitution as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To sum up, Locke's greatest contributions were the establishment of the liberal tradition, as well as building an intellectual base for the American Revolution to stand on.
  • he made a lot of contributions, including the argument that everyone is born with a blank slate in mind. It is our environment and our experiences that mold us as people.

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