• I believe that for Pedophiles, that we need to REMOVE the entire package ... THAT would send a message, Loud 'n Clear ! +5
  • Personally, I think a bullet is a better solution, but that's just my emotions talking, not my reason. I doubt chemical castration will do much to help. They are still capable of raping children, and I don't think that child molestation is about sexual drive as much as it is about domination (the article suggests the libido is to blame). I say that locking them away and throwing away the key would be a more effective solution, but again, that is my emotions talking.
  • I've thought about this and I'm still undecided.
  • I am fairly sure pedophilia isn't something you can cure. There is a portion of the population that is sexually attracted to children in just the same way others are attracted to men or women. Can you cure that? Taking the ability to have or maintain an erection from a man wouldn't change or erase what drives them and might in fact make them more dangerous. Frustrated and denied an outlet for their sexual attraction might drive them to commit other heinous crimes. I think pedophiles who act on those impulses should be locked up. Truth in sentencing (different from mandatory sentencing) would be a good start. Right now due to prison overcrowding violent criminals and sex offenders are being let out early to re-offend. Sex offenders have an alarmingly high rate of recidivism. I think the only real answer is to isolate these folks in jail.
  • No, I don't think so. While castration may be closure for a child, it's not going to take away the memory. The emotional scar will always be there. I think they should have a nice long prison sentence. Peodphiles get treated terribly by other inmates. I do, however, think our prison system should be less cozy. That way they actually feel like they're being punished.
  • The best cure for such, is one bullet. Because those who have done so once, and were castrated, find something else, much more damaging to stick inside the child. Such as a knife.
  • We must not. Castration is clearly cruel and unusual punishment which is prohibited by our Constitution not to mention our moral sense. . And Moongrim is quite correct, you don't need to possess genitals to sexually abuse a child. . These people have a ridiculously high recidivism rate which pretty much guarantees a two victim minimum for every one that is caught and released after completing his (and more rarely her) sentence. . I'm thinking that the second offense should be a capital offense. This is what a death penalty is FOR. . Either that or they live the rest of their lives in prison.

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