• Probably. Such certainly isn't noted in the geneology, but if you go back enough, you are certain to find at least one. I suspect you'll find more than one and not have to go back very far at all.
  • yes,i think that i could say 1755 when the british held power over nova scotia they rounded up all my ancestors ,the Acadians,loaded them onto ships and deported them to louisanna .The Expulsion of the i guess that ,that probably would be a yes to the question.
  • people faced all forms of the above.
  • Rromani have been enslaved various times throughout the centuries. I am certain, somewhere in there, that someone in my family tree was enslaved. I probably had someone in a distant branch of my family killed in the Holocaust, but, if so, I do not know. My immediate family was in Romania. I am certain, also, that somewhere in there is a convict, if you look far enough back. That would be a tough one to answer for anyone because most ethnicities have, at one time or another, been enslaved. You would have to narrow it down to a certain time frame.
  • My mother's side were Jewish, and almost all of them were killed in the camps during WWII. I have only two living relatives on my mother's side- my grandmother and my aunt. My father's side is Haitian, and all Haitians are descended from slaves and slave masters- blended together over the generations. Haiti was the Wal*Mart of the slave trade- most slaves taken from Africa came to Haiti first, where they were beaten into submission and taught to obey English commands before being sold in the US.
  • Woohoo, Australian convict ancestry and proud of it : P (Looking at the area this is posted in {'Discrimination'} though, I've never been discriminated against because of this, though many people mention it jokingly hehe, I don't mind, and I'm sure almost no Australian would mind either)
  • I have a poor peasant ancestry. My ancestors came from the poor French peasants that were exiled from Canada by the British. Anyone with money or connections had already left.
  • yes as a matter of fact i do have slave ancestry on my fathers side of the father, but they like to keep it hush hush, as if my grandmother is ashamed of it. but iam not.
  • What do convicts, prisoners, and slaves have to do with each other? Shouldn't it be more like convict, prisoner, slave owner???? I probably do. I'm not sure, as I am not that interested. Far enough back, my ancestors started wars and invented the wheel, but that doesn't have anything to do with me.

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