• I don't know what either party means. I see some blending of party beliefs, but emotional self-righteousness for all. +5
  • When the GOP and its supporters bleat "We want less government", what they really mean, down deep, goes along the lines of "we want fewer Democrats" and especially "we want less Barrack Obama". Oh, and "Give me back my country!!" Can't forget that. But my favorite underlying message to "we want less government!!" comes from an August 19th survey in which 39% of those polled believe the government should "stay out of Medicare". Another 15% weren't sure. Draw your own conclusions:)
  • In general, when they say less government, they mean that they believe the private sector is better at providing a certain service than if the government does it.
  • No. It means the gov. has not business telling us what to do in business and in life. Less regulation. Less taxes etc. If I have a business I can smoke in my office if I want, I can hire and fire whom I want, etc.
  • Well, during the great reign of Reaganomics, it meant Raising the age of Social Security from 65 to 72, cutting all but the essentials from public schools (no more music, art) less federal money for cities, so close the libraries and art museums. George W. Bush said the program to insure children was too expensive, and gave a big speech on how Americans should not require the Iraqis to pay for reconstruction saying "We don't want to saddle this young Democracy with debt" (to the tune of giving them 36 billion) Oh, did I mention that during the Reagan years, they got rid of pensions and came up with the 401K plan, more ways for big corporations to take your money!
  • simple answer is YES!... if the Republicans could they would cast adrift anyone who didn't earn 500k a year, they would cut ALL social programs so they could live up to and up hold their motto of "profits at any cost"

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