• Good choice. SY also recorded the very popular "hasbi rabbi" = "sufficient for me is my Lord" with the equally beautiful chorus line of "ma fee qalbi gheirullah" = "there is nothing in my heart besides God" the lyrics in Hindi, Turkish and Arabic have been translated as: Hindi- Who is the Only One? Who is The King? Who is The Merciful? Who is The Most Praised and Benevolent? Whatever you see in this world is His Sign He is the soul of every heart Turkish- He is The Forgiver of all sins He is The King of the universe He is The Refuge of all hearts O God hear my sorrows and my sighs Have mercy and Pardon my sins Bless my nights and days Arabic- O Lord of the universe Bless the Taha, the Trustworthy (Mohammed) In every time and instance Fill my heart with conviction Establish me firmly on this religion And forgive me and all those who submit to your will

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