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  • i am glad you are going to have an abortion so the baby won't be raised by someone like you. as far as paying for the abortion, if you are that careless to forget birth control but have sex with that many partners, then i think you should pay for the thing yourself.
  • You should pay. But hey, maybe you can get all these guys to split it however many ways. You can have sex as soon as you've gotten on birth control and bought a big ol' box of condoms.
  • You need to grow up and stop having unprotected sex like your an animal. Why should any one pay for your mistake. There is nothing wrong with being sexually actice as long as you act like an adult and use your head. You need to talk to a professional and find out why your treating yourself like garbage before you get something more then an unwanted baby.
  • Nothing wrong with being promiscuous. My divorce was recently final and I'm really enjoying myself seeing a number of men. I think more women than ever are trying their hand at handling numerous lovers. Can you deny women are not better suited for it than men? However, numerous lovers w/o birth control and condoms is stupidity. Maybe you could have them draw straws. Short straw pays.
  • Jesus, I will adopt your baby don't kill it b/c of your dumb behavior! I would love to have a sibling for our child. You are gonna hae to go on the Maury show to see who pays child support or you can give the baby to a well off family and give the gift of a better childhood than what you had.
  • You are awesome!
  • yea kill the baby,,,,,then all you will be is a BABY KILLER,,,,MURDER........try getting a life before taking one.........OMG,,,,,,:"Who should I make pay"...your fucking is just honey,,,,YOUR GOING TO BE 'PAYING' FOR IT UNTIL LAST BREATH.........
  • HAHA. That's pretty funny. Good one.
  • This is why we make fun of sluts. This is a pretty sad question if it is in fact true. It almost sounds like something that I would see on Jerry Springer. The fact is that it's your responsibility as to who you spread your legs too, therefore it's your responsibility as to who pays the abortion bill, HIV testing, herpes treatments and any other nasty stuff that happens to you in your immature adventures as a typical street whore. Good luck though.
  • Didn't hear for the birth control,condoms,or contraceptive pills? Oi!Look now in what mess are you...

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