• i don't know why this happens but its a big, unfair, problem.
  • Pity the poor and rick alike; some suffer too much, others too little.
  • I have news for you: everybody suffers, but people have different ways of dealing with suffering. Some take care of problems, some don't. Some are chronic worriers, some aren't. It's all in how you view things.
  • Because no Judgmental Divine Being is running the show.
  • Trust me, everyone suffers. But, those who put Jesus #1 in their lives have nothing to fear. We know our good deeds will be rewarded soon, suffering will be in the past. But for the time being-we all live in a wicked and unpredictable world.
  • Because good nice people always finish last. People have made it this way. Good people dont suffer sometimes. They suffer all the time.
  • Life is not fair. it is a series of random events. Some people get the short end of the stick.
  • suffering is what makes them good
  • Simple - We are sentient beings with varying emotions, and are susceptible to suffering and inflicting suffering upon others, depending on the state of those emotions. In short: Shit happens. I love how people jump to divine mumbo-jumbo before thinking of the simple-but-satisfactory explanation.
  • Because life's random and it matters not whether you are good or bad to the Universe, just to yourself and the people who you meet.
  • b/c life's not fair
  • Environmental factors. If you had poor parents you will probably be poor. If you had bad parents you will probably be bad. Your neighborhood, teachers and tons of other stuff can influence your future life. Bad people could take advantage of you and you could be easy to take advantage of. These problems can be overcome. Life is what you make of it.
  • Because life ain't fair. Thankfully, that statement is not always true. Be kind. Be joyful. Be safe. Sincerely, Uncle Floyd
  • I don't want to dodge the question but how do you define suffering? Suffering could mean experiencing pain without purpose, or it could just mean that something bad happened do you. Either way, it is somewhat subjective. For many people, when they go through difficult times, they learn from it and incorporate the lessons taught into their life, and become better people for it. If suffering is just something bad that happened than the answer is random chance, if suffering is pain without purpose then it is up to each individual to turn any experience from something they have to suffer through into a learning experience, and then it ceases to be suffering.
  • Everyone suffers good and bad. Some just hid it better. Always try to look on the bright side there is also good things in life if you look for them.
  • Simple answer to this is your life is a search for the truth, the ultimate in knowledge. YOu are gaining knowledge through out your life. So good things and bad things are part of an experience you will be gaining in this life. You are responsible for your actions. There is no good and bad in this world, it is all about level of knowledge.
  • Who's doin' the judging of who's "good" or "bad"? ;-)

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