• No, but your doctor can.
  • You can't be serious. What the hell! You think someone on the computer can examine you? Get a brain. Go to a doctor.
  • You can still get your period when you are pregnant. To know for sure go to the doctors and get a blood test. That will tell you whether or not you are, we can't.
  • How old are you?
  • might be a very early miscarriage which will be a very heavy period. you still need to see dr if anything is left behind can cause a bad infection. +5
  • my suggestion is to try to relax, go to bed early and read a book or watch a film, theres no point worrying about something you cant do anything about till the morning. you can sometimes still have periods through pregnancy by the way, but on the same token, pregnancy tests can be wrong. relax and see your doctor tommorow. Xx
  • It sounds like you are pregnant, but you have been asking these question, in several ways, for about 3 days now. Surely it doesn't take this long to get in to see the doctor?
  • The test measures hormone levels and just before your period these are all over the place. To cover for this, the test is enineered to give more false positives than false negatives. This pobably doesn't make you feel any better but perhaps you can understand why a false positive is better on average than a false negative, both for the mum and unborn child. But - and it' a BIG but, go see a doctor to make sure. Plus, don't worry, it could always be worse, so smile :-)
  • First off, there is no reason to worry. You will be fine, as well as your baby. If all 3 tests came out positive, you are almost for certain pregnant. While pregnant, a woman cannot receive her period. HOWEVER, you may experience vaginal bleeding while pregnant. This is actually quite common and many woman report they bleed regularly while in the early stages of pregnancy. This bleeding is largely due to the hormonal changes that are associated with pregnancy. The bleeding could vary in amounts, from slight spotting to vaginal bleeding consistent with your menstrual cycle. Again, there is no need to worry. If you still would like to see the doctor, I encourage you to do so. While there, you could ask your doctor about other questions you had about pregnancy. Good luck. :)
  • A couple of possibilities: 1. The home pregnancy test is slightly oversensitive, you were never pregnant to begin with, and your cycle was just late. 2. You did have a fertilized embryo that either failed to implant or failed to develop properly. If it turns out be the latter, don't worry about it, but do see your doctor. I know it's sad, but 25% to 30% of conceptions end this way. It used to be that we didn't have a way of knowing that was going on, but in-home pregnancy tests changed that. Unfortunately, that can mean a roller coaster ride that previous generations didn't have to deal with. It doesn't mean anything's wrong with you, but see your doctor. Best wishes. And also, I don't know how long you've been here on AnswerBag, but we do occasionally get people who like to play games. They make up dramatic stories and get their kicks running nice people around in circles. It's often hard to know, but one of the best signs that that is what's going on is when the same person posts the same question in a slightly different form over and over and over again. One of the things that we do is check profiles to see if that's what's going on -- as it is in your case. I'm taking you at your word, but I just wanted to let you know that when you post multiple questions on the same topic, or regarding the same situation, people stop answering any of them because they'll think you're playing games.
  • The reading were incorrect.
  • you could've had an eptopic/chemical preganacy where woman usually dont know there pregnant, like a miscarriage but really early. or you could still be pregnant with slight bleeding. i would go to the doctors to get a bloot test to make sure....good luck
  • I would give you a good answer to this but I am going through the same thing with my girl friend... good luck.
  • it could be may be pregnant and are experiencing bleeding, which may or may not indicate something is wrong. home pregnancy tests arent 100% accurate so the best thing to do is to see your doctor and have a blood test
  • Breathe slowly and deeply. Try to be calm. Tomorrow will come soon enough, and you will know for sure. If you are really worried, call the ambulance, go to your hospital emergency.
  • False positives are rare. I would say that from the evidence you have provided, you are likely to be pregnant. Try to stay calm. Being stressed will not help the situation. If the bleeding gets heavier, or if you experience any pain, or anything else VERY concerning, you might consider going to the ER or something similar.

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