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  • You arent really getting to know the people BEFORE you date them, most tend to jump into relationships, instead of taking time to get to know a person before dating them, which causes many break-ups..
  • Before you get into a relationship find out what type of relationship the girl wants to have. I'm assuming you're getting into relationships with girls who are looking for fun instead of being serious.
  • Because you are putting your heart out there too soon. You take a risk every time you enter into a relationship. A risk of losing them (death, break up, etc.) and having your heart go through tremendous amount of pain but it is inevitable. Nothing is forever so don't go through life thinking about finding a girl that's not going to break your heart, go through life finding a girl that can bring joy into your life, however momentary, and someone who brings out the best in you. And take your time...don't rush into a life long commitment if you or the other person are not ready.
  • the same reason i cannot find a man, we must start looking in new places but in most cases when i quit looking is why the good ones find me ! +5

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