• Body language, stuttering.
  • They try to keep focus at you, but usually fidget, eg:hands, feets, eyes. They keep too much eye contact on you, and don't even blink. You can tell they're trying to contradict that old eye contact eye trick, by the way they look deeply in you.
  • Body Language of Lies: • Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. Hand, arm and leg movement are toward their own body the liar takes up less space. • A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. • Hands touching their face, throat & mouth. Touching or scratching the nose or behind their ear. Not likely to touch his chest/heart with an open hand. Emotional Gestures & Contradiction • Timing and duration of emotional gestures and emotions are off a normal pace. The display of emotion is delayed, stays longer it would naturally, then stops suddenly. • Timing is off between emotions gestures/expressions and words. Example: Someone says "I love it!" when receiving a gift, and then smile after making that statement, rather then at the same time the statement is made. • Gestures/expressions don’t match the verbal statement, such as frowning when saying “I love you.” • Expressions are limited to mouth movements when someone is faking emotions (like happy, surprised, sad, awe, )instead of the whole face. For example; when someone smiles naturally their whole face is involved: jaw/cheek movement, eyes and forehead push down, etc. Interactions and Reactions • A guilty person gets defensive. An innocent person will often go on the offensive. • A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away. • A liar might unconsciously place objects (book, coffee cup, etc.) between themselves and you. Verbal Context and Content • A liar will use your words to make answer a question. When asked, “Did you eat the last cookie?” The liar answers, “No, I did not eat the last cookie.” •A statement with a contraction is more likely to be truthful: “ I didn't do it” instead of “I did not do it” • Liars sometimes avoid "lying" by not making direct statements. They imply answers instead of denying something directly. • The guilty person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you... they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation. • A liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonous tone. When a truthful statement is made the pronoun is emphasized as much or more than the rest of the words in a statement. • Words may be garbled and spoken softly, and syntax and grammar may be off. In other words, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized. Other signs of a lie: • If you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows along willingly and becomes more relaxed. The guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject. • Using humor or sarcasm to avoid a subject. Final Notes: Obviously, just because someone exhibits one or more of these signs does not make them a liar. The above behaviors should be compared to a persons base (normal) behavior whenever possible. Also, a lie can be detected through eye movement, for more on this:
  • Fidgeting - Eye's to the floor - Body lanuage - and my GUT feeling
  • They will always try to affirm that you're in accord with them like such phrases as "you know what I mean, or You feel me". They'll be quicker and will seem less comfortable in the manner they communicate to you. The professional snake in the grass is quite another thing altogether.
  • They can't look you in the eye.
  • this question has been asked already.
  • The only way I can ever tell is if what they say is either out of character or directly contradicts the facts. The only clue that I can offer is that people often talk too much when they lie; for example, instead of just saying they were sick yesterday, they explain what they had, how they came down with it, where they were and what they were doing when they realized they were sick, how many medications they took and the result, etc.
  • Thats difficult to do.I dont claim to be an expert because I make mistakes. Some indicatiors I use to tell people are lying is 1) Are they in a hurry. Never do anything with anyone who is in a hurry. 2)Perform the simple honesty test: i.e. Ask them if they have ever told a lie.If they say no. Its very obvious they have an honesty problem. 3) Lying and drug and alcohol use go hand and hand. i.e. big users eventually become big liars. 4) keep in mind The best lie is the truth mixed with a lie. Even the most dense person will eventually catch on if subjected to a constant flow of lies. Hope these help
  • A person's eyes may open wide and display some white under the eyeball. This is a good clue, but not guaranteed.
  • Pls read
  • If his lips are moving.
  • if they dont keep eye contact with you. if they have lied before. if when you question the details, they get irritated and can't come up with reasonable responses.
  • Well first of all you must be waiting for him to lie,so when he does you understand that! So if you are waiting for a lie.. Just try to check some of those: a)see if he becomes wet.. b)see if he talks slower than usual c)check if he can tell what happened twice d)If he doesnt look in your eyes when he speaks to you:D
  • shaky voice
  • His nose will grow :)
  • If you are face to face with the person. Sometimes the eyes will give it away.
  • They avoid eye contact and mumble a lot. If you ask them a direct question, they avoid saying anything committal. Their facts are screwed.
  • Lots of people think that liars avoid eye contact - but in fact this is the opposite of the truth. A liar will look you straight in the eye while he lies to you. Someone telling the truth will often look away, especially if they are trying to recall something. But there is no reliable way of telling. A practiced liar knows how to manipulate people.
  • Basically from the body language. By experience you can tell. Another way is ,you post a question when you already knew the answer or by imposing creative torturing.
  • I usually do my own research and find facts that dispute what the other person is telling me.
  • Usually yes but I am usually a good judge of character. Now I do miss here and there but I have a lot of experience dealing with people who can't tell the truth so I picked up some tell signs.
  • I still can't tell if someone's lying to me yet I think of myself as experienced and can read body language very well. Do they get angry because they feel attacked/not trusted/surprised etc.,? Do they avoid eye contact all the time and then look straight at you when they lie. Or do they avoid eye contact only when lying (Asperger's apart). Do they blush because they're embarrassed that you don't believe them or are they ashamed? Do they stroke the side of their nose because they're lying or is it itching or are they nervous about you not trusting them? A can of worms this lying business. As I said, I can't tell.
  • I can only tell you for sure about my son & hubby neither one can lie and get away with to me. Both will be looking at me per say but yet their eyes are looking over my shoulder to some other point the whole time the lie is going on, its happen many times so I know what to look for in these to, most of the time small white lie yet still a lie Others it just comes out in time, as it is hard for a person who tells lie to keep their stories straight, and soon one lie is covering up the next and they will forget which they last told at some point. This is when I catch those kind of people And I have seen a rare few who believe their own Lie's so much that in their mind they become the truth to the point they can pass a lie detector test.
  • body language ppl say that they scratch the side of their nose, and keep blinking their eyes, and sometimes close them, all to avoid eye contact as much as poss?
  • Stuttering, a lot of blinking, unusual swallowing, looking down at the ground, tone of voice are usually what give it away.
  • This might help
  • Yes, as they said, body language tells it all.
  • I once read in a book that their nose grows. I'm not sure if I believe it though
  • Actually, none of that stuff works. Oh, SOMETIMES it works, but not frequently enough for it to be reliable. Take me for example - I have a stutter anyway. Plus, I have a poor memory so when I grilled about details, I usually can't remember the finer ones like whether or not it happened at 8:15 or 8:16. Add that to the fact that if I'm being questioned, it's probably by someone who has authority over me - a boss, a cop, now I'm super nervous, because I've just realized that the person who holds my very fate in his hands is actually dumb enough to believe that he can tell I'm lying just because my eyes moved slightly to the left. So yeah, people who put a lot of faith in that crap are retarded. You wanna know how to tell if someone is lying? Make sure you know what they're talking about. If they start telling you they were down town watching an AC/DC concert and you know that AC/DC isn't playing in town that night, you know you caught a liar.
  • worship tool: you just completely copy and pasted biffaloo's entire page. In my opinion, your eyes give the most away when your lying. explains the eye patterns of a liar very well. Everyone who says that someone is lying just because they are not maintaining eye contact are wrong. That is just a myth that has been around for years. Their can be a myriad of reasons you don't maintain eye contact while talking to someone. The second biggest thing to look for is body language. By looking at someones body language you can figure out if someone is lying to you, flirting with you, or totally appalled by you. and do a pretty good job describing the body language of a liar.
  • They're usually not flat on their backs.
  • If their name is Al Gore and you hear the words "global warming" or "consensus"
  • They can't look you in the eyes They start to perspire They figit with things or just can't stand still Their voice cracks or goes higher
  • Their lips are moving. What's with the date ??
  • Their feet are about the same level as their head
  • I have a six sense about that sort of thing alone with being very astute... most people can not lie to me and I not know it...
  • By asking them again and again, lies fall apart, you don't forget the truth.
  • I have heard that you can tell if certain people are lying because his/her lips are moving.

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