• Men check out women. Period. It's a hard-wired circuitry. In no way does that mean they will be unfaithful to their wives. In fact, it's healthy for men and women to discuss other people. You can be faithful, but to pretend you're blind is to deny human nature.
  • Men will always look, it does not mean they will act on it. Just because we are in a relationship does not mean we are dead. It is no reflection on you, its just an involuntary action. Women do exactly the same thing, and anyone who denies it, is either lying or is also dead.
  • that s just the way men are. we are visual and can't help but look at a woman who is dressed nice and attractive. i look all the time i just can't help it. i am discrete about it around my wife but i can't help but looking. should she catch me of course i have to deny it. and just because men look doesn't mean they will cheat. you can't really blame us because why do so many women dress up so pretty and not expect other men to look. women like to be looked at and appreciated.
  • i think your husband has his own issues if thst is how he feels when men admire you. it is a natural respons tolook at other men & woman. in fact statistics say that woman look more at other woman than they do men. and it does not mean they will cheat. xx
  • No. Looking is completely natural and does not mean that he is also a cheater.
  • If a man admits to looking, he might as well forget getting 'any' that night. It's called sad experience. And of course when guys look they want to f***. But marrieds know better than to act on such an impulse.

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