• I am speculating that you are frustrated with the requirement that you take, Psychology, Math, and Sociology by your College and University, because you feel that they are not relevant to your chosen course of study; Computer Science. I will, first, address the relevance of Mathematics. Mathematics is very relevant to Computer Science, because you will be asked write programs that contain many algorithms. These algorithms are will be based on things that you will learn in Mathematics. Let’s take a hypothetical example that you have been asked to write an algorithm that models the way that a material transfers heat over its surface, when heated at a certain location. To model this, you would need to understand Calculus and Discrete Mathematics well enough to convert partial differentials that describe heat flow into discrete differentials and then write the code for those discrete differentials. With regard to Psychology: Working as a Software Engineer, I was assigned to work with a Psychologist to write a corporate process manual on how to best design a graphical user interface that is most easily readable and pleasant from a psychological perspective. It helped me to understand the Psychologist's language that he used, when describing what I should write in the manual. With regard to Sociology: Let’s take a hypothetical example that you have been assigned to work with a sociologist to write a computer program that models the connections of a social network. An introductory Sociology course would be helpful for to communicate with the Sociologist. Even if you are never assigned to work with a Psychologist or Sociologist, study in these areas tends to give a greater degree of sophistication that is expected from a college graduate. You did not mention English Writing courses but they are important too. You WILL be expected to write well. I hope that this helps you to understand why Colleges and Universitys require some diversity in studies.

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