• There's kinda two parts to it, cos I don't know your situation. First, sometimes it just doesn't happen, no matter how much we do for someone. We can even love them more than anyone else they have ever known. You know if she doesn't love herself enough, it won't matter how much you do for her...I know that seems strange, but trust me as a woman, I know there have been men that have given me the world, but I didn't believe I was worthy of such a great man. So trust has nothing to do with you not being good enough. The other side of the coin, cos you must know by now, that us women are confusing LOL :-) Sometimes we just can't handle when a man does too much for us....yes, we are a strange breed LOL. So try and back off a LITTLE and if she is keen trust me, she'll notice and come find you.....give it a go :-) You sound like a great guy, so never think you are not good enough!
  • Trying to hard puts some people off.If this girl is not interested,she is just not interested.Don't waste your energy please.Put it into someone more receptive for your happiness.*+++++*
  • You are always saying "you have to love yourself (wait) in order to love someone else." Something like that. Shrink says that's partially true. So there!

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