• Refuse. Make an excuse that you are busy. Or you would really like to meet his wife and maybe it can be rescheduled when she is home. Or just say that you don't think it would be appropriate.
  • Go away you old goat.
  • I think (or hope) you already know that would be a really BAD idea. Just tell him no thanks.
  • How about ~ "Thanks but no thanks. Perhaps when your wife returns we could all have dinner together"
  • Bugger off you old bastard.
  • NO , i want to use a word but its not english grammer
  • Actually, if he's a nice guy, maybe he just wants a bit of company while his wife is away, and since he knows he can talk to you, he's asked you. Too many people are assuming the worst here, I think that's a shame, he's just asked you for dinner, and I'm sure he's noticed the age gap and is well aware you're not interested in him. I say you let a friend know you're going, and go, just have your phone ready or arrange for your friend to pick you up, and drop you off, and let him know this. Who knows, he may turn out to be a friend, you don't know if you don't try, just don't assume the worst, some old guys just like a bit of company you know, and if they happen to be pretty women, so be it. I feel it's a real shame that a man can't be honest to a woman, he even says his wife will be away, I don't get why people are so suspicious over this.
  • You should politely turn him down. You should not have to go into an explanation. He is a married man. What he suggests is inappropriate, regardless of his motives.
  • he is seeing how far he can get being a perv, he very well could just be teasing you..cute young thing, old man wants an ego boost..just keep your wits, stay tactful, especially if he is a good tipper.. if he touches you, a left hook to the kisser, will knock him back into reality. here is some free advise..never shit where you eat.
  • Please say NO. You don't know what someone is capable of. This sounds like the beginning of a popular murder mystery.
  • Tell him that you're sorry but you no longer work at the geriatric home
  • Never!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does his wife have to be away? OR you could bring a real hunk with you.
  • Something like," Thank you for the invitation but I can't possibly make it right now, I would love to join you and your wife for dinner in the future" He probably won't ask you again.
  • He's NOT gonna behave himself! He's already TOLD you that by bringing it up. The question is how far he will go - will he rape you? Just force himself on you? It would be YOUR word against a grown man. HE is experienced and knows EXACTLY what he can do and get away with it. Pervs like this prey on boys who have low self esteem (not you), no social group (nobody like AB to reach out to for help), poor relations with their parents (you talk to your mom), and difficulty dealing with authority (difficulty saying no). THAT'S NOT YOU!!!! If a thief came into your work you would not feel compelled to be polite to him. This guy is in the same class. You do NOT have to be polite to someone who is sexually propositioning you. If you find it hard to be firm, then use a social lie: "I'm busy that night, sorry." "I can't, my family is expecting me." "I already have other plans, sorry." If he persists in putting you in an awkward spot at work, talk to your boss. He or she will understand how to handle this. Kudos to you for asking this difficult question!!! +5
  • Flirting is OK. Asking you over with his wife gone is NOT! Flirting is not OK if it is making you uncomfortable. He should grow up and leave you alone. You don't need this at work and if he continues, tell your manager because it is sexual harrassment and your manager should handle him. Good luck.
  • Well you have two options in my mind. Either be straight up and tell him you would love to but you don't really think it's appropriate, or you could beat around the bush and make up some excuse to turn him down, and maybe ask if you can reschedule for sometime when his wife is home.
  • I believe "No, thanks." will suffice.
  • Saying that he will behave himself should tell you something. Sex has already crossed this guys mind or else he wouldn't have said that. I'd say no if I was in your shoes.
  • "Hows about you behave yourself NOW and don't ask me to sneak into your home while your wife is away."
  • a simple "no thank you" will suffice just fine. If you need to, blame it on your mom or something saying " I dont think my mother would approve" im sure she wont mind ;)
  • YOu tell him "sorry but you dont mess with scum who would cheat on their wife"
  • Absolutely not. It sounds like he's trying to get into your pants by pulling off the Gentleman image. Plus, he has a wife; plain and simple. Very sketchy.
  • did you say "No thanks. I like eating solid foods, you gummy old bastard"?
  • You politely say "No, thank you."
  • "Sure, as long as I can bring my mother. I think she may remind you of one of your daughters!"
  • I would tell him this, "Why gosh thanks for the invitation. I understand having meals alone when you are used to company is hard. However I would rather have dinner in a a more public place if that's alright with you?" If he is insistent about dinner at his place let him know politely that while you don't wish to offend him you just don't feel comfortable dining alone with any man in his home. If his motives are honorable he will respect your decision I am sure.
  • Are you actually being serious about this? Come on. Did you ever seriously considered going? If so I would hate to see the quality of the other decisions in your life. Not trying to be rude, but use your brain. I really hope this is a fake question.
  • I am flattered however let's keep our conversations here at my place of employment. Besides it is inappropriate to ask a young lady over while your wife is away...You should know better.
  • Tell him you will wait for his wife and if he was so worried about behaving himself, he won't mind the wait.
  • Tell him "I have a date on that day GRANDPA!!"
  • You are at work. This is a customer. Just say "No, thank-you." That's it.

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